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(Quackity parent x strider teen)

The first time I met Quackity, I was alone, and close to dying. My skin was cooling down quickly, and I was stuck on the land. Soul soil had fallen on me from behind, and trapped my lower body beneath it.

My hands had scratched at the soil, but it was no use, since I was getting colder by the second. I took one last attempt, and failed miserably, making me slump on the ground of the nether, freezing solid by now. My eyes slowly closed and molded shut as I expected the end to finally come..

- - -

Quackity had made a portal to the nether and went through, popping outside the other end into the hot nether biome where monsters roamed.

He started his way quickly and walked through the netherack with speed, examining the land and seeing where he could put the nether backup base. 

While he was walking, he stopped abruptly from something caught in his vision. It seemed like a stone, but no, it wasn't. It had human features and details, and seemed alive-ish.

Quackity had walked over and bent down to see the creature, eyes curious about what it was doing there. 

When he saw it breathe slowly, he immediately got that it was dying, especially not to mention it was stuck half under heavy soul soil, trapped.

Quackity reached his arms to the humanoid creature and started digging around its form, breaking it free from the soil, then dragged it out onto the netherack, beside the vast array of lava.

He looked down at it and found it was indeed part human, but also a hybrid of strider. Not only that, but it was just a child, maybe only even 9 years old. 

It had reddish gray skin, and the skin kept getting more grey as he looked at her.

Quackity looked to the side where the lava lake was, and then looked to the strider girl. In his mind, he got an idea that she needed the lava, so he picked her up and swiftly flung her into the lava.

He stood there awkwardly while she slowly sunk back first into the lava. The skin was now warming up to a fiery red, and she seemed to get more active. 

Her eyes had opened as she was almost fully submersed, and it spooked him a bit.

- - -

I was warm again.... I can't believe it. I'm not dead!

The thing I saw was the nether tops as I felt myself sink into lava. When I was fully submerged into the lava, my body started to soften and I swam around in the lava a bit, before floating to the top, standing on top of the lava surface. 

I smiled a bit and looked outwards at the lava lakes, until I heard a clearing of the throat that was obvious to get my attention.

I swung around and now saw a man with a LAFD beanie and black hair, along with a white dress shirt and suspenders, with black dress pants and fancy shoes.

My eyes wavered to him as he went to stand up from kneeling on one of his legs. 

He stood at the lava edge, looking at me with fascination. 

Y!DSMP x reader oneshots!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant