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"Mommy, when will papa get home?"

Your mother looked at your tiny little face and smiled.

"He'll be home in an hour." She replied after picking up the bread dough on the counter.

You waddle around with your short legs, following your mother where she walked.

"Will we have raisin bread?" You asked as your mother dropped the dough to the counter. She kneaded it and looked down at you with gentle, soft eyes.

"Yes, dear. Could you get mommy the raisins?"

You nodded your tiny face and slid over to the pantry, rummaging through bags. Once you found the raisin bag, you ran over to your mother with excitement. You hopped up and down with a big smile.

"I found them! I found them mommy!"

She glanced down and dropped the dough, brushing off her hands. Crouching down, she reached out her hands for the bag.

The little girl handed her mom the bag as she walked away without wonder.

"How about you go play outside?"

Y/n looked at her mother with a smile and nodded.

"Okay mommy!" She said with glee in her voice.

The small girl, around 6 or 7 years old opened the front door, stepping out into the soft, grassy ground.

- - - - - -

The forest looked so pretty from here, I should see if the dam I made is still up.

My feet rushed through the forest lining with some speed. Ahead was a small creek with mud stacked in the middle.

"Yes! It still is up!" I was boosted with joy at the sight.

Running to the creek edge, I looked down in its clear waters. I stuck my hands in it and felt the cool water rickle my fingers.

Up above, unknowing, a winged man flew around. Something small caught his eyes and looked down. A small, delightful child played in a creek without a worry in the world.

His pupils dilated at the small target and his wings fluffled.

That small child was so very cute to him and he would love to keep her along with the other children at home.

The man, Phil, flew down a bit and landed on a tree branch high off the ground. He watched her splash water around and walk into the creek, holding up her shorts from getting wet.

Her giggle sent butterflies in his heart. He grinned ear to ear at her and sat there, watching her.

Y/n continued having fun in the creek until a car engine sounded from afar. She paused and looked in that direction, listening. Looking for anything at all.

She just snapped out of her daze and got out of the creek, putting down her homemade stick figures she put together. They fell on the muddy dam she fixed and melted in a bit.

Y/n had started running back towards her house with wet legs. The winged man followed her in the air, silently tracking her footsteps on the forest floor.

The little girl ran up the porch steps as commotion sounded in the kitchen. He sat on a nearby tree and peered in.

Y/n walked in and greeted what he guessed was her father with a big hug. The family were all greeting each other as he grumbled.

How could they get such a nice daughter? It just wasn't fair that they had her.

The man sat there for hours, watching everything with his hawk-like eyes. Nothing much happened and so he left, promising he'd return the following day.

Y!DSMP x reader oneshots!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat