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(High school au)

"MUUUUMMMM!" I yelled through the house. Sure, it was early in the morning, but I needed to know where she moved my book bag.

"Yeah!?" Is what I got as a reply.

"Where's my bag? You did move it, I know it."

"It's in the front by the door. Now let me sleep dammit."

I finished up my toast I had made, glad I had a stomach full of food. Usually I don't have time to get food in the morning.

Looking over at the clock, it made it clear to me that I had to go now. So, I got to my feet and ran over to my book bag, which was right where my mom said it would be.

I picked it up and flung it over my back. Oh right, my lunch!

Once again, I made it through my house, skidding over to the fridge. I grabbed it out, and my water bottle, then made my way back to the front door.

I flew through the door, throwing it closed behind me. My bus stop was down the street a bit, so I gotta run. 

My feet sped through the air. Pebbles kicked off the road as I ran alongside it. Up ahead was my bus stop. 

I finally stopped when I got to it, taking a breath. I hope today's a good day. I mean, I'm always enthusiastic about the day in the beginning, but then my day gets ruined by people by the end.



They're such self respected stuck up pricks. They're so selfish and make everything unfair. They make me feel so bad.

But I try not to worry too much about it. I'm strong, stronger and kinder than most of them, and that's what's good about me. I love that about myself.

I breathed in the morning air, feeling at peace until the bus turned around the road's corner. I saw its lights on, shining through the wakening light.

When it screeched up to the bus stop, I knew the drill and got on, sitting in the front seat with an upper class man. 

Dawn was now welcoming me as I looked through the windshield of the bus. I could see the sun up ahead which was now poking its head up.

Such a nice moment, expect for the nonstop talking younger kids in the back. Like come on, it's early, just shut your trap till we get to school.

The ride was fine. Noisy, but fine. Once we got to school, I hopped off the bus and said thank you to the driver.

I walked into the school and went to my home room, which was Miss Narwin's room. She was the best, and plus, we are like best bros.

I made my way into the halls and went to my locker first, putting my lunch and such in my locker. After, I went to homeroom.

I got to my seat and sat down. Of course the popular kids are chatting about nonsense. When aren't they?

I looked out at the sunrise through the windows. It was nice.

Then I looked around the classroom. It was comfy, and she had nice taste in decoration. Curtains on the windows, fragrance that wasn't too smelly, and a few plants. It felt like a nice place to be.

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