Little Queen - Eret

759 21 10


"Watch it kid!"

I walked past a man, possibly 40 years of age, chestnut old hair, cool grayish blue eyes. Bumped into his right shoulder. He turned slightly, about a few inches to his right, caused by the slight impact.

By the sudden collision, he was too distracted. My hand reached to his pocket quickly and swiftly. 


His wallet is snaked out without any suspicion or witnesses, making it a successful catch. I would later go through the daily wallets I got and take out the money, leaving the actual wallets for people to find.

Now you see, I am respectful and dignified. I don't do this just to be an idiot, I do this to live. I don't have a family, so I must scour through the streets and provide for myself.

So allow me to tell you a bit about myself. Where this all began. 

My name is y/n l/n. My parents died when I was 3, from execution when they failed to please the royals. What a piece of shit if you ask me.

But anyways, I was 3, and left to survive on my own. How did I do that? Well, I found I was good at  borrowing  things. So that's what I did, stole from wealthy people I deemed stealing worth.

They wouldn't mind a bit of their money to be taken, since they already live in luxury. What pigs. Us poor live lowly without any comfort or aid for our sufferings. 

My good friends, dead. Sickness or killed. That's how the unlucky people live, trying to survive death's grip. And trust me, I was so good at it.

I am now 9 and I live in Saterburg, a kingdom in the outer rims of east coast.

They have good shops here, nice keepers too. We trade well and they do help a bit since I'm young. 

My favorite shopkeeper would probably be Maria, a sweet 87 year old lady who sells bread and fruits.

To me, she's like a grandma. She is always there if I'm in trouble, supports me in growing up like a normal kid. Maria even taught me how to read and do math. I enjoy learning with her.

Today I would visit her in the shopping district, a busy place for merchants to roam and sell.

My feet stretched past the ground, kicking up pebbles and clumps of dirt. I could see so many colorful stand with interesting things hanging for sale. 

Some people looked over at me in pity. But I never need their pity, I can manage on my own. It's kind of them, but I'm truly alright.

I can see her stand ahead, the colorful blue and pink stripes of the roof clothe waving in the slight breeze. 

I crouch and walk over to the back of the stand, seeing Maria there selling with others.

Right when I was behind her, I said ," BOO!" She hopped in shock and looked behind, seeing me giggle.

Maria smirked and reached down, tickling me. I laughed uncontrollably and fought against her tickles. After a moment, she stopped and smiled kindly at me.

Y!DSMP x reader oneshots!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ