🧨TNT duo🧨

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"Tommy, wake your ass up"

I reached over his bed and held my spray bottle of water over his face. I squirted water on his face and he woke up quickly, waving his hands around.

"Heyyyy! What the heck y/n!"

I chuckled and walked around his room, putting down the spray bottle.

"Come on, get some foo boy."

I walked out of his room as he sat up. Pancakes were on the kitchen table so I grabbed one and slathered it in butter. 

Pouring on some syrup, Tommy came creeping out of the hallway.

He finally became awake and alert when he saw the pancakes.

Tommy sprinted over and plopped a few pancakes on his plate, smoothing syrup all over them. He sat down on the table and munched away.

Sitting across from him, I ate my pancake as knocks on the door sounded. I sighed and looked over at the door.

I walked over and opened it.

"Ranboo, Tubbo! Come in guys."

I welcomed our in friends and Tubbo rushed to the pancakes.

Chatting with Ranboo, everyone ate their pancakes and the 2 and I had a meeting in my room.

"So any villains around lately?" I asked while shoving jelly beans in my mouth.

"Mmm there are more crimes on Gates intersection. We should check it out today."

I nodded in agreement and so did Tubbo.

"Alright, let's get ready you dorks."

Everyone put on their masks and gloves, anything they needed to stay secretive. The hero's never liked vigilantes messing with the crime, but meh I don't give a living fudge.

I put on my black leather gloves and put my white cat mask on.

We were all going out the window when Tommy came in my room, walking over to me.

"You be safe or else."

He hugged me and so I hugged back.

"Or else what mister?"

"I'll have to eat the rest of these delicious cookies." He said while plopping a sugar cookie in my hands.

I smiled and ruffled his hair, dropping from the window down on the cement ground.

"See ya, we'll be back soon!"

Tommy watched as the group left and returned to eating cookies.

I walked with Ranboo and Tubbo, making our ways to Gates intersection, the most popular and busy spot in town.

We sat there for a long time, nothing happening. I ate my cookie and looked around from the alley we were hidden in.

Just like the heroes, we had powers too! And villains, they also have powers.

Ranboo could teleport, but didn't like water. Tubbo was a goat mostly who had great speed and ramming techniques.

I could stretch my limbs like taffy. Though I did need lots of sugar to do so.

We waited a bit more and then a boom sounded, followed by an explosion from the bank.

Immediately we went into action, running over to the bank.

Ranboo started teleporting and getting people out of the collapsing building that was most definitely on fire.

Tubbo and I looked for the person or people up to this.

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