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The whistle of the tea pot on the stove rattled through the kitchen, Liam lifted it off the burner and it fell silent. He poured his mug full as he dropped in two sugars and stirred, Louis always mocked him for the way he doctored his tea, Liam liked it sweet.

He pulled the fork out of his cup to finish stirring as the water slowed to a standstill. Taking a sip he let the lemon flavoring mingle between his tongue and teeth before swallowing.

The flat was silent as the rest of the lads had gone to bed. Liam picked up the paper off the door step and stepped back inside. He thumbed through the news working his way through the mass of words.

Over to the side of one of the fold Liam looked at the picture, smiling to himself he pulled open the article and read the headline:

One Direction's Zayn Malik to Pop the BIG Question?

Liam smiled as he looked at how happy Zayn was in this picture. He and Perrie were nose to nose, smiles on both of their faces. The picture next to it was that of Zayn leaving a ring shop in London caring a small bag, Liam noted that in the picture Zayn did seem rather pleased with himself.

Liam found his mind trail off, focusing on his future, a future he would have to rewrite in his mind now that Danielle and him broke up. He wondered if he could ever find love again, a true love, not just a desperate fan looking for something more.

A scream sounded in the distance, echoing in the flat.

Liam dropped his cup of tea shattering it on the kitchen floor. He raced off towards Niall's room as he heard him scream again fear flooding his heart. Reaching the door he grabbed for the handle and threw it open as he crashed into the room.

Niall was sleeping, thrashing around, his body tangled amongst the covers of his sheets. Liam fell onto the bed holding Niall steady as he shook him awake.

"Shhh! Niall! Wake up! Shhh! It's okay! Wake up!" Liam cooed as he rocked him back and forth, Niall feel silent as he opened his eyes, cold sweat drenching him from head to toe.

Liam hugged him still rocking him in his arms. He felt Niall give into his hold as his breathing slowed.

"Shhh... it was a nightmare. You're alright now." Liam whispered.

"It wasn't a nightmare Li." Niall said through weepy breaths. Liam looked him square in the eyes, he had never seen him so frightened, and it was enough to break his heart.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked wrapping his arm around his back in comfort.

"I mean, my nightmare was real, it happened." Niall said his voice shaky. Liam didn't understand.

"What happened Ni? What was the nightmare?"

"Losing you." Niall whispered looking straight into Liam's eyes. Liam saw the pain in his eyes a pain he caused. He had no words of comfort, he was the reason for the pain. Liam felt his heart break as the tears fell from his own eyes.

"You won't ever lose me mate, I'm here. Forever." Liam said in a shaky voice as Niall cried even harder he pulled him in for a hug. Their bodies molding together between the breaths and tears.

"What can I do to make it better mate?" Liam asked.

Niall looked up to him, holding his gaze as he ran his hand over Liam's head. The boys snuggled in against the headboard, Liam with a protective arm wrapped around Niall, the flat was quiet still.

Liam kissed the top of Niall's head as he ran his fingers down his arm. For a moment, he watched Niall lean into the kiss, watched him bite his lip, felt his breath slow. Liam felt his stomach flip upside down as he suddenly wished he was the one biting Niall's bottom lip.

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