cuteness overload

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* authors note

20k+ reads? 😱😱😱😱 yesssss! thank you guys so much for following along with the story constantly, I wanna give a few shoutouts .

Firstly, @JessicaFiguero810 and @dwtss_ you guys always send such positive comments and amazing ideas that I've used in this story before and you're just so amazing and I really appreciate it all. ❤️

Also, @chimeneabdoel and @loveketsia4 since the very first time I've wrote this story I've always seen both of you. Either you were just favoriting the story or commenting but I've always seen your support during it all so thank you so much!!❤️

Also, from Instagram JanelandValroyalty, you're like the biggest janelskiy shipper (after me duh😏) but hilarious and always say kind things to me and about my story so thank you it's much appreciated.

Lastly, obviously I couldn't name everybody but the rest of you know who you are! Couldn't have gotten over 20k reads without y'all. Thanks for supporting I love you all so much. 💕

I know I've taken a while but it's been comic-con week and I've been keeping heads up with my fandom. It ended yesterday so I'm back to making my edits and writing this story for y'all. Sorry again for the long while of writing it. I'm writing a few chapters so I can have them already to post. thank you for all who kept around while my laziness took over. 😋

Now without further or due, I'm ending this very long authors note 😂 enjoy loves !

Janel's POV

I'm so hot. I mean, burning. I'm suddenly woken up to my very bright living room and smothered to a very hot Val. He always did this when we were together. I move quickly but failing to get out of his hold. He's fast asleep I don't want to wake up. He's so adorable when he's sleeping, so carefree to the world and to all our problems.

Val wants to marry me. Maybe it was just in the heat of the moment? Maybe he has a different outlook of it all today, I hope not. I don't get why I'm holding out either, I told myself I didn't want this, I told him basically i didn't want it. Even though deep down, being with Val, hell being married to Val would make me the happiest girl on this planet.

Taking me out of my dreadful thoughts I take a quick glance and Val is just staring at me.

"How long have you been staring you lurker?" I ask, well aware of my face turning bright red.

"Not a while, but I can always tell when you're over thinking things or in some sort of deep, and I mean deep thought" he smirks.

Is he teasing? Does he know what I was thinking of? I mean surely, what girl wouldn't be.

"Well, you're hot so get off me" I laugh while throwing him forward .

Being the dork he is, he let's himself fall completely to the floor then looks at me like I've shot him. I can't help but laugh. Playful Val is so cute and dorky how can I not love this man? How can I not want to marry him?

"Okay okay" he laugh while getting up sitting next to me once more but this time not fully attached to me.


Why the hell am I acting so shy right now? The way he can change moods is beyond me.

"So?" He gives me a small smile.

"Um, hungry?" I say while avoiding eye contact just because he's looking at me with dark eyes and his sexual ways that I clearly know very well.

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