drinks for two

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* authors note

To the ones who follow me on instagram, you guys know I said I will be writing a lot if Mark into this story and other dwts pros as well as season 19 and 20 stars, Id like this make this story believable and not just some hearts and flowers story, enjoy.

Janel's POV

As soon as I marched my way into the bathroom I quickly gathered my unused clothes that I was supposed to wear before Val came and and interrupted . How can I get distracted so easily I'm ashamed of myself. I pull on my tannish dress, with a shoulder showing. While clipping my bra and pulling up my underwear. How the hell can he just sit there and laugh? Laugh with her at that. What a damn pig. This living arrangement is not working. My shoes aren't in the bathroom sadly, so I dry my hair and decide to leave it down. Making my way back into the bedroom Val has his pants on and just pulled his shirt over his head. I don't even make eye contact. Rumer is nowhere to be seen. I search around the room and find my knee length boots and slip them on. Grabbing my black arm purse and walk out the room. I could just feel Val's stare at me.

"Where are you going Janel?" He asks while following me out.

Walking into the living room Rumer is making herself comfortable on the couch watching some soap opera. Does this bitch seriously not take a hint? I look at Val then walk out.

"Janel wait, dammit wait" Val half yells as he steps outside barefooted.

"I'm taking a walk Val, I don't need you at my hip every second just give me a damn moment to myself." I yell while I keep walking forward.

I want to be left alone. Surprisingly he takes the hint and walks back inside. I know he's a guy with little experience but to laugh at the fact that Rumer just so happened to walk in on us naked and then not even apologize or even tell her to go home for that matter is ridiculous. She's ruining everything for us, or maybe it's just me. Either way I can't deal with this shit.

I don't know this neighborhood much, I've been here a lot when I was on the show and went back to Val's place but we never took walks around, I don't want to get lost so I pull my phone out and the first person I think of is Mark.

Val's POV

I walk back inside after Janel basically just said I smother her. Girls get mad so fast. It wasn't even that big of a deal. Rumer isn't going to tell anybody.

"Hey I'm sorry V I hope I'm not causing problems?" Rumer says as she gets up from the couch.

"No. Maybe a little. I don't know, janel is over emotional. " I wave off and walk into the kitchen for some wine.

"I over stepped, I should have left. I'm a woman I know how embarrassed she must feel"

I never thought of it that way honestly.

"I'm gunna wait till she gets home, you're welcome to stay but I don't think Janel would like that really" I laugh.

"Oh no I get it, see you later babe" Rue says as she gathers her purse and jacket.

I'm not going to sit and just wait here like some lost puppy. I need a guy friend. I would usually call Derek but knowing him he's probably sleep. So I decide to call Mark.

"Hey man, wanna go for a drink?"

"I really need one right now but I can't I gotta hit the hay, rehearsal for the show tomorrow and I have to pick Willow up in the morning"

He sounds suspicious. Oh well

"Alright man, see you"

I let him go, seems like tension between us but were dudes, it will pass.
I guess I will sit and wait then.

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