new beginnings

667 22 20

* authors note

so many comments oh my goodness thank you so much. I know I say this a lot but you guys are so nice and sweet. Reading your comments make me want to keep writing. Seriously, love yall❤️

Janel's POV

Finally I get to go home today. Relax on my own bed, eat my own food. Have my own privacy. I've only been here for two days and it feels like an entire life time. Val spent the night, in that uncomfortable couch but he stayed last night and it felt nice to have someone by my side. Not that I don't have amazing family and friends but the fact that it was Val makes it one hundred times better.

I call Val because I don't have my ride home and even though I can call others like Sam or Mark, even Derek I really want to see him.

"Hey gorgeous what's up you okay?"

He gives me butterflies over the phone. Nothing new.

"well you were the one to get me here, I was wondering if you could pick up?" I say in a kind of baby voice.

"I would love to. Let me just tell Rumer I have to leave rehearsal early"

My mood completely sours. The thought of Rumer. What her sister did. The fact that she hasn't been here to apologize. Not that I would let her. She's the reason I lost my baby. She's the reason why every time I close my eyes to sleep I think about "what could have been" with my little family.


"Oh yeah sorry um sure, see you in a bit." I say snapping out of it and hanging the phone up.

I might to tell Val, but I think about it basically almost every second of everyday. I don't think any woman in their right mind would let something like this just by. I know I can't.


Vals POV

Janel sounded kind of sad when I brought up Rumer. I still want to know what happened. Janel wouldn't talk much of it. Whenever I asked she just said she wanted to enjoy our moment, not sour anything. I know she's holding back, she's struggling.

"Hey Rue, I have to go." I say while running up to her .

"Alright, I had enough practice anyways" she laughs.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah I just have to pick Janel up from the hospital. She goes home today."

As soon as I said Janel's name Rumer looked everywhere but at me, what isn't she telling me?

"Speaking of, I have a question"

"Yeah what's up?" She raises her face to look at me.

"You don't know anything of Janel's accident that night do you? I mean you'd tell me right?"

"Of course not."

"Alright well gotta run, see you later" I smile then hug her.

I don't know anything but I believe her. I mean I owe her that, to believe her. She's been such a great partner and friend to me.


Janel's POV

I've actually made quite the amount of friends here. The odd male nurse that ran in and out the first time I stayed, he's friendly but a bit too friendly. A female nurse named Lilly that I've grown to actually like and a few old people that are sweet but strict. Wish my sister were here, my mom, dad. I told them I was fine they didn't need to fly down here it would be such a waste of time. I decided not to tell my mom and dad I was pregnant. It would just hurt them when they found out I lost the baby. I told my sister about it, she was comforting, sad, understandable.

"Hey pretty girl. You ready?" Val says while walking in and flopping into the couch.

"Do you seriously like that hard that couch? I'm sure if you'd ask they'll let you take it with you" I laugh.

"Okay, okay very funny. So where to?"

Where to?

"Home. I'm tired, I need some Janel time" I say while packing the test of my clothes, dirty clothes at that.

"Okay sounds kinky, I'm sure you can find someone to help you out with that?" He laughs while trying to hide his smirk.

Guys always have their heads in the gutter.

"Get your mind out the gutter nasty. I mean like kick bad, watch friends on netflix in the dark on my nice soft couch."

With Val sitting next to me of course but I won't tell him that.

"Well I have other plans for you" he blurts out.

Other plans? Oh no. I'm tired, I need rest.

"As nice as that sounds, I'm tired and I really would like to se-"

"Come on. Just trust me? here put this on"

Val puts a white mall bag on my hospital bed. What the heck. I open it to see a red bikini. Really, swimming.

"Oh you'd like to see me wearing this wouldn't you?" I roll my eyes whole laughing.

"I would but that's not why you're going to wear it, we are going to the beach. To have fun, a good time."

"Alright alright fine bossy."


Home sweet home. At last.

"You hungry?" I say while putting my things on the living room floor not caring much.

"Actually it's getting late, I have a long day tomorrow" he smiles to ease his deny of my offer.

"Oh no of course I'm tired anyways"

I'm not really tired but I don't want him thinking I'll sit here alone being pathetic.

"I had a really fun day J. We should do this more often." He says while walking up and personally close.

"We should. I had fun too."

I stand up on my tippy toes to kiss my on the cheek.

"Thanks for today."

I turn to walk away he grabs my arm , turns me and our lips are on each othe, and not some hot passionate kiss, but a regular but real kiss.

"No, thank you." He says while pulling away and walking straight out.

Woah. What just happened. So that just happened. I'm actually,happy. That's odd for me. I decide to put myself to rest, I'm tired and today was amazing. The ending was the best part.

* authors note

Aw , do y'all think they might get back together? ☺️

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