movie fun time

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* authors note

going into one week time jump guys, this story is almost to 12k
reads thank you so mch. You guys are going to see Val and Janel as just "friends" in this chapter which is quite funny. Last update for tonight, I have the biggest headache and I'm so sick but enjoy babes.

Janel's POV

Last week myself and Val declared to be "just friends" for now at least nothing locked down completely and added the benefits to the party. I decide to rent a apartment, cheep but nice. Kind of close to Marks and Derek's house. We haven't talked much since last week which is really bothering me. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to hardly anybody because Val's been in and out. We've been going out to eat and other fun places when he had any free time which is after rehearsal and he just can't keep his hands off me. Literally, at dinner, at the dancing with the stars live show. Surprised nobody noticed us in the bathroom but we almost got caught. I laugh just thinking of it. Val's supposed to be coming over tonight and were supposed to go out to the movies with Witney, Maks, Mark, Derek and others but the way I'm feeling we won't even make it out the door. Val walks straight in looking gorgeous as ever.

"Hey babe let's go were late"

I walk up to him and start kissing him roughly . Who wants to watch a stupid movie anyways.

Val pulls me back and starts to laugh.

"Oh no you don't. Come on let's go, I've been waiting to watch this movie since forever"

He's such a freaking boy.

"You'd rather watch a movie then watch me?" I try to be sexual but it was such a fail because he laughed.

"If the movie was fast and furious 7 then yes, come on"

He laughs and pulls me out the door.


20 minutes or so and were at the theater. I haven't let Val touch me at all in the ride there or anything. He wanted to watch this movie well that's what he's going to do. We're not even going to make out in the back like a cute little couple either. I'm going to make him suffer. I laugh to myself.

"Something funny?" Val smirks.

If only he knew.

"Oh no, nothing that concerns you"

We walk up to the front get out tickets and make our way in. The movie should be starting in about 10 minutes. All the others are near the front row, I don't even think they knew were here. Val purposely made us sit in the far back.

"Is there a reason were all the way back here and not in the front with our friends?" I joke knowing why but asking anyways to hear him answer.

"So I can get you all to myself" he says while leaning in to kiss me but I put my hands over his mouth and surprising him.

"I wouldn't want to distract you from your movie you've been waiting so long to watch" I smile my most sweetly .

Val smirks full well knowing my game.


We're about 30 minutes into the movie and it's actually really good. I haven't really watched any of the previous movies but after watching just 30 minutes of this and liking it I have high hopes for it. Val has his right arm draped around my shoulders where his fingers are toying with the ends of my hair. I am snuggled closely into his side, my left hand resting on his leg, and my right leg crossed over my left allowing me to lean into his side even more.

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