on with life

313 13 4

* authors note

Thank you all for your constant comments and reviews on my story. We've reached 14k. Soon to be 15k reads really fast. Y'all are awesome. ❤️

Janel's POV

"pregnant? Woa woa janelly when did this? What!!!" Melissa half screams I'm excitement.

"Melissa keep it down" I demand while looking in the back of me.

Paparazzi are everywhere. Where we least expect them, at all times. I can't let this get out.

"Janel, is Val? You know the father?"

What kind of question is that. Seriously who else have I slept with, well e!news tried to make it seem like I slept with Mark. All the more reason to keep this hushed down.

"Of course melissa, who do you think I am?" I roll my eyes.

"Have you told him? Have you told mom? This would make her so happy oh m-"

I cut her off immediately I knew she was going to say something like this. What have I gotten myself into.

"No I haven't told him and NO I haven't told mom. I told you out of confidence don't make me regret it please. I just need to, think this through you know."

"Okay alright I'm sorry" she sighs

"I'm happy you did though, aw janelly you'd be a great mom" she blushes and smiles.

I don't know about the great mom part but I'm happy I told her also. We used to talk about everything, now it feels normal again.

"I'm happy I told you too mell, I'm getting tired. I'm going to go, lunch again tomorrow? It's good to talk"

It really is. Now I've told two people my big secret. This is making it so real.

Val's POV

Janel seemed more moody than usual and it's honestly getting to me. Did I really fuck up this time? Is she really done with me for good.

"Val? Hello? Like this" Rumer says while doing a complete 4x spin.

Getting taken out of thought.

"Um ueah, point your toes the entire time and you'll have it" I ignore any eye contact with her and checking my twitter.

Janel hasn't tweeted anything since last night. I wonder what she's doing, how she's doing mostly. I shouldn't have accused her yet again with Mark. It's ridiculous how jealous I get.

"Are we going to the 10th anniversary cast reveal?" She says while checking herself out in the mirror.

I hadn't thought much of the 10 anniversary show. I still have to dance with Kelly, but I get to dance with Zendaya also so I guess that's a plus for me.

"Actually no. We have to be here I'm rehearsal, no time to waste. After the anniversary we have two weeks till the semi finales then the finales if we make it. We need all the practice we can get in."

Rumer looks bummed out, I feel bad but we've been so behind with judges scores these past few weeks. One pray won't kill her.

"Looks like Mark will be there with Janel" she blurts out and my head flys up.

"Oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean nothing like that I jus-"

I put my hand up to just shush her.

"It's fine. Back to work"

Janel's POV

It's only 2pm and I'm laying back on my couch In my night clothes watching netflix. I feel so lazy and worn out. I still haven't picked up the broken glass but I decided to at least pick the living room up. I'm going to be just chilling in here it's the least I can do for myself.

I decide to tweet because why not.

"@JanelParrish: netflix I love you!"

I've been so busy I haven't caught up on anything shows or anything. Today I just feel like a big blimp. Val keeps texting me and it's honestly annoying my life. Why won't he take a break for a day. He did this, he should feel pain like i do. Oh god, just thinking about him is making me feel like throwing up.

Just as I get up to run into the bathroom someone knocks on the door. Oh great. I run to the door avoiding the glass that hasn't been picked up and quickly open to see Mark.

"Um I'll be back" I say while running to the bathroom.

About 10 minutes later I'm done. Washed face, empty stomach once again.

"Hey sorry about that, um bad shrimp" I lie to keep any questioning.

"No it's fine. I actually have a question for you lil miss parrish" he smirks.

Just what I was avoiding, great.

"Okay, well ask" I say while walking to the fridge and bringing out the orange juice.

I read online orange juice is good for the baby. Oh god I'm talking babies, god no. Getting taken out of thought Mark walks up next to me with two glasses.

"You coming to the 10th anniversary cast reveal with me?"

Oh shit. I totally forgot. I'm so lazy today I don't feel like wearing heels or a dress, but maybe this is what I need. Fresh air. Then again, I don't want to see Rumer.

"I totally forgot I'm sorry"

"It's fine. You wanna go? you are one of my partners" he laughs.

Weeks rehearsal oh boy.

"Yes I'll go sure, what time?" I finally just make my mind up.

"Actually in a hour"

A hour!! Talk about late notice.

"Mark a hour seriously, I'm nowhere near dressed I'm not even cleaned up" I panic.

"Well hurry up, I'll just go home, change and I'll be back in 40"

Then he leaves. Well there goes my netflix day.

Val's POV

Rehearsals killed me. I need a drink with my guys. I decide to call Derek. I would call Mark but things are a bit awkward right now.

"Hey man whatsup?" Derek says sounding a bit preoccupied.

"Um nothing just got done with rehearsals. Wanna get a drink?"

"Oh man I wished, I got this cast reveal to get too. aren't you going?"

Maybe I should go. Rumer said Janel was going and it will be a good time to talk. There will be press everywhere she wouldn't act out.

"I wasn't plaining on it but I think I just might"

"Alright man, I'll see you there"

Looks like I'm going to see Janel tonight.

* authors note

I smell drama drama drama, but ya never know. I'll just leave y'all guessing. Comment what you think.

Ps. didn't proof read, clearly.

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