show time - part two

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* authors note

So many of you were like excited about the video package with Willow, Mark and Janel so I made a quick one minute youtube video. just search "cuddlyjanelskiy" on YouTube and a one minute video should come up. Or if you're lucky you can just see it above my authors note. It's basically like some of what happened in the rehearsal package but obviously not all. It was really hard to find clips that didn't have Val in them and to make them even look believable hahaha. Anyways enjoy.

Mark's POV

Rehearsal Package With Mark, Willow and Janel :

After introducing Janel and Willow we get straight to work. Willows most help needed area is keeping her Legs straight and not being scared with the lifts. Oddly those are Janel's strongest areas in dancing and having chemistry with whoever she's dancing with.

Willow sits on the sidelines while watching me lift Janel around my wasit and spinning.

"At least take me on a date first" Janel laughs as I sit her back down feet to the ground.

"I would but id make you pay"

Janel starts blushing immediately and I give pity on her and walk Willow on how to get in the ninja sprit.

Janel being in rehearsal has made this more brighter and serious for Willow to learn. We usually laugh and can't stop. That's why we have a giggle jar.

"Why didn't you guys just get paired together last season?" Willow blurts out while Janel is showing her how to keep her legs straight.

"You don't get to just pick your partners you goofball" I laugh .

"Obviously I know that, I meant during the switch up week that would have been cool to watch, plus you guys flirt alot" Willow says as she burst out laughing.

Janel and myself join her to ease the awkwardness.

Package ends and back to dwts .

Janel's POV

holy shit, they made it seem like the entire time we were flirting and just wants to jump each other's bones. I look up into the sky box and I no longer see Val. Maybe he didn't even watch the entire package. Hopefully. Mark and Willow are dancing their Jazz ninja style and it's actually pretty amazing. Willow took my advice and her leg lines are perfect and her lifts are amazing. Mark ain't so bad himself. Getting interrupted out of thought Sadie bumps my shoulder.

"I thought you are with Val?" She laughs but then serious again.

"I am, you know how they can make those packages look. I spent like 3 hours with them teaching Willow and the only thing they made everyone look at was some innocent little play friendship flirting."

I'm saying this as if I'm trying to convince myself.

"Don't get so defensive I'm joking"

I nudge her and we both start laughing.

I take get my phone out my purse to make a tweet then realize Val tweeted also.

"@IamValc: attracted to honesty"

I can't help to think this is about me. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I decide not to tweet anything at all.

Mark and Willow just got their comments from the judges and it seems like they are going to get good scores.

Erin talks to Willow about how amazing her performance was then makes a comment to Mark about me. I really wish she hadn't.


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