always and forever

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* authors note

I miss janelskiy so much ): sorry for the lack of updates I'm just really sick and haven't felt like writing much.

Janel's POV

Shortly after Val left Mark and Willow came back with food. My mood feels so much brighter, I feel happier. I still can't even believe that just happened. I know it's just flowers but it was so unexpected. From how we were earlier and now was such a drastic change. No doubt I miss Val ridiculously but the thought of him and Kelly still creeps at the back of my head. Dismissing that thought out my head quickly because I don't want to sour my mood. Not after that.

"You seem happier now then before we left. Who are these flowers for? Me? Oh Janel how sweet." Mark jokes.

Wow. He even thinks I look happier then before. The power of Valentin Chmerkovskiy.

"Actually Val brought them to me"

I can feel myself blush. Mark looks a bit confused, which is confusing me.

"Really? That's good, when?"

That sounded almost unbelievable then it looked. Mark has been there for me since my fall out with Val and he's been pushing me to forgive and forget I don't know what's wrong but I don't talk upon that topic to make things awkward. Maybe it's because I'm so happy and joyful.

"Just a little bit ago. actually I'm sorry to bug but my car is back at your place and I have to be somewhere think I can get a ride back to it?" I smile sweetly.

"You always leave me when were about to eat" he jokes.

"Yeah let's go, I'll go tell Willow"

It's true, I do always leave right before we eat. I laugh at myself. I gather my things and decide to make a tweet.

"@JanelParrish: one moment can really change your entire day😍"

Still hand in phone I decide to text Val. I know it's early but I want to see him, talk to him, I just can't get him out of my mind. I'm love struck.

"Hey, I'm getting a ride back to my car and I'll be on my way... see you soon! -J"

In no time I get a text back.

"Alright I'll be home in 10, see you soon. -V"

I don't text back because I'll end up telling him I love and miss him and it will be such a mess. I laugh to myself as Mark walks up.

"Whats so funny?" He says.

"Nothing lets go" I say while pulling his hand and out the door we go.

Val's POV

Just getting done with rehearsal and getting a text from Janel saying she will be here soon I'm kind of in a hurry. My place is a mess and I don't want her thinking I'm incapable of keeping myself together without her, even though it's kind of true. Pulling up I see Kelly's car. Oh fuck no, god dammit. I basically run up and quickly take my keys out to unlock the door but before I even get the chance the door swings opens and there's Kelly. Wearing just a bra and panties with my robe on.

"Kelly what the fuck are you doing" I scream and push her inside as I close the door.

Janel can be here any fucking minute.

"What? Don't act like this isn't what you've wanted since you called me to come over that night" she says while trying to pull my shirt up.

I stop her while throwing her hands back to her side.

"Kelly I told you that was a mistake. That's why we didn't do anything. Pull yourself together get fucking dressed" this time I yell more harshful.

I will not have Janel walk in on this. Not after today, we are just starting to let go of this, getting back on track.

"You think you can just use me then throw me away when your precious little Janel comes running back after sleeping with Mark? Is that it" she screams at the top of her lungs.

Is this woman having a mental break down what the fuck is going on.

"Kelly please just get dressed please." I say more calmly. hoping she will listen.

Thankfully she does.

About 15 minutes pass and Kelly is still in the bathroom. Janel could literally be her any second and I don't want this to go down badly.

"Kelly come on hurry the fuck up I'm serious now get out" I say while knocking on the door.

Finally after what seems like forever the door swings open and a fully clothed Kelly walks out.

"Happy you cry baby? Why do you want me to leave so badly huh? You said you were going to sleep when you came home. Is she coming here now?"

Oh god. This can go down in so many different ways.

"Yes no please Kelly leave, we will ta-"

Getting interrupted by a knock at the door.

Janel's POV

Mark was acting weird and I want to get to the bottom of it but first things first, talk with Val. I've been looking forward to this ever since he gave me those beautiful flowers. I knock on his door twice and I can here some folding around and whispering but no one answers. Just has I was about to knock once more Val's opens the door and aside him is Kelly. She walks past without saying on word to me, honestly looking pissed.

"Hey" I just decide to talk first, or else things would get complicated.

"That, that wasn't what it seemed she just came by as a friend an-"

I cut him off. I don't want to talk about her.

"Val you don't have to explain yourself to me it's okay" I decide to brush it off.

I notice Val take a deep breath.

"Okay I want you to listen carefully I should have told you sooner but I'm stubborn you know that"

All I can think about is how hot he looks and I just want him to stop rambling. His sweatpants are hanging from his waste and his V-neck grips him perfectly. That's all I can manage to look at until Val interrupts me.

"Janel hello are you listening"

Jumping up as I speak.

"What yeah yeah go ahead spit it out"

"I don't sleep with Kelly, I only made you think that because I thought you slept with Mark, I wouldn't do that to you I lov-"

Cutting him off I immediately jump up, rap my waste against his and start kissing him.

* authors note

I wasn't originally going to make them do the nasty but since it's been like forever and I've missed them why not. I have a feeling you guys will enjoy the next chapter but not so sure about the ending I have planned for it. Anyways enjoy, I'll be updating again tonight after I watch the latest episode of Mark and Derek's excellent flip because I'm so behind hahaha.

Ps. Proof read the beginning but not the end oops.

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