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* authors note

I haven't updated in a bit, sorry. I'm officially done with school, up until next year of course but I'm on summer break. Whoop whoop, I'm freeee! haha anyways enjoy.

Val's POV

my whole world just stopped, everything around me, my heart, my breathing. That was the last thing id expect Sam to say... ever in a million life times. Janel pregnant? I stand paralyzed, in complete shock. All I hear is Sam yelling while Derek and Bethany stands beside her on the ground calling a ambulance. I end up shutting her yelling out also and in my own head I'm in complete silence. How could Janel be pregnant? How could she not tell me? I could just think of how scared she must have been, going through all this alone. It would explain her mood swings, her always running to the bathroom, it must have been to throw up. How could I be so stupid to ignore all the signs that were right in my face the entire time.

I snap out of it and crotch down beside Janel and grab her hand. She is my home, she's the love of my life and I can't try to deny it any longer. My life without Janel would be no life at all and kids with her would be a blessing.

I can't stand to just sit here any longer and just wait for a damn ambulance taking their damn time my kid could be hurt, Janel could be hurt. I suddenly swoop up taking everybody by surprised while holding Janel in my arms.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Sam yells while half crying.

"To the damn hospital. I won't sit here and wait any longer. my child could be hurt!!" I yell back.

Nows not the time for Sam to come at me crazy. I just found out the most surprising news id ever hear in my entire life. I'm going to be a father and this is step one to protecting my family.

While I turn with Sam and Bethany at my side I can just see the surprise on every bodies faces. Surprise to what I've just said. Rumer is standing alone, I don't have time to look around the room but her sister isn't in eyes point to see. I want to know what the fuck happened.


I've been sitting at the hospital for 3 hours now. Without hearing a thing. Bethany left a hour ago. Mark, Derek and a few others came a few times. Sam never left. I just keep replaying that simple moment of Sam telling me Janel is pregnant. How could she be so careless not to tell me? The more I wait the more angry I get. Was she ever going to tell me?

"You didn't ask" Sam said while interrupted my thoughts.

"Ask what?" I ask quite confused.

"If you're even the father"

I knew the question would come up, but I knew Janel didn't and wouldn't sleep with anyone else even though I've treated her like complete shit.

"I know Janel, more then anybody. No disrespect, she wouldn't do that to be. She wouldn't be that careless."

I sense a smile on her face but it soon fades away. I know she's worried, hell I'm worried. We haven't heard anything for 3 fucking hours and I'm started to get impatient.

"Where's Janel's sister? Isn't she in town? Did you call?" I break the silence and ask out of curiosity.

"She flew back home a few hours ago, she must be on her flight still. I left a message though"

Back to silence . I look up and I see Maks and Zendaya rushing towards me, I quickly rise but Maks is already to be and awkwardly he hugs me.

"How's she doing?" Zendaya asks. Clearly worried.

She and Janel have this kind of bond they've grown to share.

"I don't know yet, look Guys there's so-"

Maks cuts me off.

"Well what happened? Is she supposed to be out this long?"

"I don't know what happened I just seen her fly out the bathro-"

Trying to finish the story yet Zendaya cuts me off this time.

"I heard rues sister pushed her is that true?" She asks, all ears

Now I'm started to get frustrated because I don't know shit at all. I want to know what happened.

"I don't know" I raise my voice a little high with annoyance.

"I don't know anything and it's killing me. Janel is pregnant. With my baby" I finally blurt it out.

Hearing me say these words are even hard for myself. I've never even thought of being a father or family man in my life, at least not this young and into my career.

Maks and Zendaya just stare at me with complete blank faces.

"Pregnant? Since when? How long?" Maks started to question.

More questions I don't have answers for. Zendaya giving me and Maks space goes to sit with Sam.

"I just found out when Janel was on the floor. Sam told me. Maks what am I going to do? She wasn't even going to tell me" I feel myself getting weak in the knees. This is too much, even for me .

"You're going to be a supportive dad that's what you're going to be alright? You can't change what happened, you will live with this just as she will. Just be lucky you're having a kid with someone you love and not some random chick" Maks says bluntly while both hands on my shoulders.

"Janel Parrish family?"

A young, blonde female doctor asks while standing in the middle of the waiting room .

We all rise and we all walk towards each other.

"Is she awake? Is she okay?" Sam asks taking control.

"She's awake. We put her on some pain meds for the head injury. She had to have 4 stitches. She may have a lot of headaches, memory lost may accrue but I don't think you have to worry about that she seems to know who she is." She laughs trying to ease the tension .

"Is the baby okay?" Maks blurts.

Asking the question we've all wanted to know since the doctor came out to us.

"Are you the father?" The doctors asks.

"No that would be me" I say while stepping a bit closer.

"Would you min walking with me?"

"'Just tell me is the baby okay?"

From this exact moment I know something's wrong and my stomach completely falls.

"She fell pretty hard sir, right into a table onto his stomach, the blow itself caused her to pass out not even the hit to the head."

"Just tell her" Sam half yells.

"No, I'm sorry. There was nothing we could do. The minute she fell into the table she lost the baby. I'm so sorry. We didn't tell her yet we thought her family should break the news to her."

* authors note

I'll just leave this here for everybody to cry.

Ps. didn't proof read obvs

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