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* authors note

Sorry I've been lazy to update, I just learned how to make manips so I've been making some janelskiy ones and some of Mark and Janel hahaha anyways enjoy

Ps. thanks for over 10k reads babes😘

Janel's POV

Just as I'm getting more intense and into our passionate kiss Mark backs me off of him. Holy shit, wait what? This is embarrassing what did I just do.

"Janel I-" Mark says while catching his breath.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry today has been um I'm so sorry"

Seems like I've been saying sorry every day to him.

"No it's not that I-" he pulls his over growing hair back.

"You and Val, Vals my friend I ju-"

I cut him off because I know what he's about to say. I don't even know why I kissed him. It's not like I have feelings for him I just wanted to get back at Val for sleeping with Kelly then flaunting her in my face.

"No I understand this was a big mistake" I gather myself and head to the door when Mark grabs my arm.

"What's wrong? Come on, talk to me"

He heads me to the couch and we sit. I don't wanna talk about this. Or maybe I need to talk to someone about it. With Mark though? It doesn't seem normal I basically just ate his face.

"Mark I know you're trying to be a good friend but I'm just, not comfortable talking to this with you okay?"

I try to give him a plight smile so he won't feel hurt .

"You've kissed me twice now I-"

I quickly put my hands over my face.

"Oh god"

"No wait, let me finish. You kissed me twice now but not out of feeling, well maybe feeling but not for me. Something's bothering you and the only reason that makes sense if you and Val are having problems. They must be big ones if you're coming over here making out with me."

He laughs. clearing trying to take any tension or awkwardness away.

I just let it out. Mark is the only one here for me right now so why not. I can't keep everything bottled in.

"Val slept with Kelly Monaco"

There. I just blurt it out. Marks eyes open widely, in complete shock.

"Wait what? How do you know?"

"He basically told me when I went back over there to get my things" My voice cracks.

Oh no Janel pick yourself up . I won't cry, not anymore.

"Wait wait wait. To get your things? Where are you going to go?"

I can sense the worry in his voice and it's actually quite sweet.


It's actually the first I thought of this. Going back home. I still have this delusional thought in my mind that Val and myself will work things out. Now that he slept with Kelly, I don't see that ever happening.

"Well that sucks."

I'm a bit confused as to why that would suck. There is nothing here for me. I just came for Val, to be with him.

"Whys that?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Well if you go back home you won't be able to dance with me in the 10th anniversary and I'll have to call the producers back and switch everything up, a big mess."

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