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* authors note

So obviously I'm going to make Janel and Val go through hell. After all the story is called "A Complicated Love". I picked Mark to complicate things because he's just adorable and I love him, hahahaha. Enjoy (:

Janel's POV

I hesitate to answer because after all, our friendship and one drunken mistake is the reason I'm going through hell right now, but I did this. I can't blame him. I decide to answer because when I'm talking to Mark I just feel better. It's a friend comforting another.

I breathe, clear my voice, then answer.

"Hey what's up?" I'm actually surprised I don't sound like someone whos been crying for about 3 hours.

"It's late I know I know but my tattoo dude called and nobody else would be up for the challenge to go with me, so will you?"

I laugh inside just because his accent keeps changing out of nowhere. I'm not sure I should go but then again, I'm just sleeping in my car. What else am I going to do?

"Okay sure why not"

"Alright I'll come pick you up" I can hear the excitement in his voice.

"Um no wait, that's okay I'll just swing by your place"

I don't want Mark to know about my break up and fight with Val. He will think it was his fault when truly it was all mine.

"Alright babe, see you in a bit"

He hangs up and I get unexpected butterflies. Why is this happening to me?! I love Val. I want to be with Val. Only Val. I don't know why emotions keep playing tricks on me. Maybe this is a bad idea, but I can't back out now.

This is going to be a long night.

Val's POV

I'm done. Janel ruined relationships for me for the rest of my life. Who would have known, the first girl I settle and get ready to start a commitment with cheats on me with one of my friends. Mark has been smiling in my face for days now, happy in the inside for doing whatever it is he's been doing with Janel. I'm flat out disgusted. Janel wants to treat me dirty I can do the same. I pick up the phone and dial for Kelly Monaco.

"Hey babe, long time no speak"

She sounds excited to talk to me, going well so far.

"Wanna come over gorgeous?"

Janel has no idea what she's in for, two can play this game.

Janel's POV

It took about 15 minutes to get to Marks place. I text him that I'm here.

"Outside. -J"

Not even 2 minutes later he texts back.

"Come on up, I'm almost done getting ready - Mark"

I know I should just stay in my car and wait. Derek lives two blocks from Mark. I don't want him seeing me going to Marks place at almost 2am. Even though Mark and Derek are best friends I know he won't say anything but I still don't want to look like a hoe.

I make my way inside anyways, Mark is just a friend. I need to get ahold of myself. I knock on the door and wait for him to answer.

"Come in" Mark yells.

I do as told and make my way in. Jeez this place is half a mess. Boys are such pigs. Mark comes flying out what seems to be his bedroom bouncing on one leg, trying to put his converse on with the other.

"You are such a pig" I laugh .

After hours of crying it feels so damn good to just laugh. Even if I wish it were Val making me laugh. I'll take what I can get.

"I'm a guy what do you expect" he jokes while putting his wallet into his back jeans pocket.

"That my friend is no excuse"

He eyes me with fake hurt then puts his hand over his chest on top of his heart.

"Janel Parrish, you wound me"

We both laugh and make out way out to Marks car. He insisted we take his. Oh boys and their toys.

"Wanna get a tattoo or are you scared?" He smirks.

"I drove over here at 2am by myself, I think you can check me off as not a scared girl." I add a eye roll with sas.

"Fair point"

If only Val could see this. Mark and I, just friends nothing more nothing less. I can't wait till I set my eyes on Rumer. I know she told Val. I vanished these thoughts out of my head. I pull out my phone which is half charged and check twitter.

"@MarkBallas: this girl....😍😍"

My heart leaps. Who is he taking about? Does he have a girlfriend? Wait, why do I care?

Val's POV

Kelly is on her way. We had a thing a while back on Dancing With The Stars. I always liked Kelly but I never truly loved her as I do Janel but she's a great start to getting over her. Janel left her casserole in the oven, fresh and cooked.

"Thanks Janel, hope you didn't cheat while making this" I laugh to myself.

The place is already clean. Janel usually does that. I get out two wine glasses and my best bottle of wine and wait for Kelly.

It's about 3am. I sit back and watch some late night football that replays on sportswatch. I hear a knock at the door and to my not so surprise it's the one and only beautiful Kelly. I take a deep breath and I know this is wrong. I shouldn't do Janel the way she did me but before I know it Kelly's lips are on mine.

Janel's POV

We get to Marks tattoo guy, he introduces us and gets to work on Mark. I think half sleeve tattoos are very hot. Mark has so many. I decide to get a little tattoo on my right arm that says "keep a good heart" in French. Mark just gets touch ups.

Now it's about 4:30am. Have I really been up all night jeez. We head back to Marks place and I'm seriously so tired .

"You hungry?" Mark says whole throwing his keys on what you can see of his dinning room table.

Even though I am, I make up a lie.

"No I should really head home it's late." I yawn.

"Janel you can barely keep your eyes open, just stay here and go home in a few hours. I'll blame myself if anything happens to you."

He looks pretty sincere and I'm so tired I just nod in agreement.

Mark takes my hand and my eyes shoot open in surprise. He leads me to his bedroom.

"You sleep in here tonight, it's pretty decent. I'll sleep on the sofa" he smiles.

"Oh no I can't just take your bed I-"

He raises his hands in defense and I know there ain't no winning with him. I strip out of my jacket and shoes and lay down. Mark hunches down and kisses my forehead.


And I fall into a deep sleep before I can even reply.

* authors note

Val and Kelly!!? Mark and Janel!!? What's happeninggggggg this is madness!

Ps. Didn't proof read this oops..

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