#Urgent |  The International Red Cross: We were saddened by the killing of the Palestinian Red Crescent paramedics while performing the mission of saving the child Hind

#Urgent |  Young men throw a hand-made elbow grenade and Molotov cocktails towards the military tower of the occupation army at the entrance to the Arroub camp, north of Hebron.

#Urgent |  Enemy media: A soldier was killed due to a bacterial infection after being transferred to Hadassah Hospital

#Urgent |  Young men throw homemade bombs “elbows” towards the occupation forces in the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.

#Urgent |  Reuters, according to a security source: The international coalition’s air defense systems responded to 6 drone attacks on the Conoco oil field in eastern Syria.

#Urgent |  The occupation army detains a Red Crescent ambulance at the Deir Sharaf checkpoint near Nablus

#Urgent |  Iraqi factions: We bombed a vital target of the occupation on the coast of the Dead Sea

#update |  Confrontations broke out after the occupation forces stormed the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya

#Urgent |  Euro-Mediterranean Monitor: The occupation army escalates the implementation of premeditated murder and execution crimes against Palestinian civilians through direct targeting by snipers and shooting from drones in various areas of the Gaza Strip.

#Image |  The martyrdom of the boy Muhammad Ahmad Al-Khadour from the town of Biddu, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.  Shot by the occupation forces in the head

#Urgent |  Occupation forces fire at vehicles near the Enab checkpoint, east of Tulkarm

#Follow |  Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Council, Hassan Khraisha: The moral value system in the world has collapsed and revealed the falsity of claims about humanity

#Follow |  Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Council, Hassan Khraisha: The Palestinian people, despite all the pain and wounds, are still steadfast, and the resistance is still as strong and capable as the war began.

#Video |  The funeral of the martyr Muhammad Al-Khadour, who died as a result of occupation bullets in the town of Biddu, east of occupied Jerusalem.

Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Several raids south of Khan Yunis in the areas of Al-Batn Al-Samin and Qizan Al-Najjar Abu Rashwan

#watched |  Families of occupation prisoners demonstrate and set fires on the main Ayalon Road in Tel Aviv.

#Urgent |  Director-General of the World Health Organization: We are deeply concerned about reports of a raid on Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Yunis

#Follow |  A statement issued by the Follow-up Committee for National and Islamic Forces:

We pay tribute to our steadfast people and mourn our righteous martyrs who rose, bearing with their blood another testimony to the occupation’s Nazism, aggression, and the ugliness of its crimes amid the disappointment of the entire world.

- The systematic targeting by the killing machine and the targeting of health and police personnel are attempts aimed at striking all the personnel that provide service to our people and preserve their safety and security in light of difficult circumstances.

We call on our people to close ranks, unite, and strengthen the spirit of unity and solidarity among them.

We express our rejection of all forms of monopoly, high prices by war merchants, and infringement on the rights and interests of citizens. We, as forces, factions, and security agencies, will stand up to our responsibilities. We will consider any attempt to incite chaos as an unpatriotic act that serves the occupation, and therefore we will confront it with all force, collectively, and with all our people.

- In light of what is happening with outlaw groups, attacks on citizens, and sabotage of public capabilities, we are in the process of activating penalties in accordance with the revolutionary law to deter anyone who dares to tamper with the interests of our people, harm their rights and capabilities, and thus block the path to the fifth column.

We call on the mukhtars, notables, neighborhoods, neighborhood committees, and all of our people to assume their national, moral, and societal responsibilities in preserving the rights of citizens, protecting the home front, protecting societal peace, confronting all violations, and deterring violators.

We warn against spreading rumors and call for confronting them. We call on the media to rely on official sources and not to trust what the enemy media and its tools publish in an attempt to strike the home front and spread lies.

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