Love Note

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Baseball's P.O.V:

With Valentines tomorrow, it may as well be my one chance to tell Nickel how I feel. The thing is... I'm still way to nervous to do it face to face, thankfully I had another idea I'll write my feelings to him in a letter, just like on tv. I spent the whole weekend writing down my note but each time I keep second guessing myself and doing it all over, it's also a little difficult to keep it from Nickel as his roommate. It was then that Lightbulb showed up with her crab. 

Lightbulb: Hey Double B, what Cha doing?

Baseball: Oh- Hey Lightbulb, I'm just writing a uh love letter... for Nickel.

Lightbulb: Nickel? Like Nickel Yatz? The Nickel you knew as a kid but separated for yea-

Baseball: Yes Lightbulb, that Nickel. There's only one Nickel that I know.

Lightbulb: Phsss. Yeah I know, it'd be pretty awkward if there were i don't know two nickels at DIA. ;)

We both chuckle at the thought for a bit.

Baseball: Anyway, I keep second guessing myself on these. Not only that I'm worried he might not feel the same, I mean we're best friends, do you have any idea how our friendship could be affected if this goes wrong?

Lightbulb: Not really, but I see where you're coming from. Let me see that letter.

Lightbulb: *muttering as she reads* Hmm... I don't see anything wrong with it. 

Baseball: You sure?

Lightbulb: Yeah, trust me I've read a lot of Fan's friends to lovers fanfics so i know what I'm talking about. But if you're still unsure and gonna second guess yourself again, I'll slip this into Nickel's locker for you because I don't have any standards. :D

Baseball: Well that is true. Alright, just get it in there when he's not nearby. 

Lightbulb: Got it.

Baseball: Hmm.. I wonder if I forgot anything..? No no, Baseball that's just your anxiety of the matter talking. It'll be fine. 

The next day, Nickel's P.O.V:

Valentine's Day is here, a pretty big deal if you have a lover. Me, I don't even know if I have a crush on anyone so I'm just treating this Valentine's as a usual day... where my buddies decide to give chocolates to each other. Speaking of buddies, Bomby and I are walking to the cafeteria talking about some activities Bomby has planned for Naily after school today. Well he's talking about the day he has planed for Naily I'm just listening in to him, I'm a pal like that actually if I didn't know any better I think he might love Naily. 

Bomby: And when it gets dark we could watch Tom & Jerry movies until we fall asleep. What do you think Nickel?

Nickel: Sounds fun, you two are pretty good together. Hold on let me just put my history textbooks in my locker and I'll catch up with you for lunch.

I open my locker and put some things away, little did I notice that a letter had fallen out of it until Bomby picked it up and showed it to me.

Bomby: Hey, someone left a letter in your locker Nickel.

Nickel: Woah really? Who's it from?

Bomby: I don't know, they didn't leave a signature.

I open the envelope and start reading it, I quickly became emersed into it. 

Mysterious letter: "Dear Nickel, I still remember the day we left each other it honestly felt like a piece of me was missing. And seeing you again after all those years that piece was found, you have this way of making my life better I have no idea where It'd be if I never met you. But that's not quite what this letter is for, thing shave felt somewhat different when we got to spending time together again, something new. But I've never talked about it because I was scared of how you'd take it, but no more I just have to confess. I have a deep crush on you I severely wish to spend my days with you. I'm happy to speak with you in person when you thought it over."

My face had to have turned some shade of red as i read this, my heartbeat had sped up as I stood there stunned in silence. I only snapped out of my abundance of thoughts when Bomby spoke over my head also reading the letter. 

Bomby: Ooh, seems like someone likes you. 

Nickel: uh-huh..

Bomby: Too bad they didn't leave a name. :(

Nickel: That's alright, I recognize this handwriting anywhere. I'll see you later Bomby.

Bomby: Uh okay, bye Nickel.

Normal P.O.V:

Meanwhile in the cafeteria Baseball along with Fan, Balloony, Cloudy, and Leafy sit together talking, Lightbulb would soon join the group sitting beside Baseball.

Baseball: You really left the letter in his locker right?

Lightbulb: Yep yep yep! While he was on his way to biology, I'm telling ya bud Nickel's sharing the same feelings about you thanks to your penmanship.

Fan: Oh? Is Baseball really confessing to Nickel with a classic love letter? :o

Baseball: Oh drat...

Lightbulb: What is it?

Baseball: I forgot to sign the letter! 

Balloony: Oooh, done that before. Don't worry Baseball, it happens to all of us.

Leafy: Yeah, its probably not even a big deal. Nickel would probably just ask around the school to find out who wrote to him. 

Lightbulb: Speaking of which.. Heya Nickelous, we were just talking about you. 

Baseball: Nickel! *stammers* I-I-I uh, if you uh don't feel the same by any chance- I mean-!

Nickel: I'm gonna need you to be quiet Baseball. 

After shushing him Nickel stands up on the seat next to Baseball and looks to him with an undeterred expression, then out of nowhere Nickel pulls Baseball's face into his engaging in full on kiss surprising everyone. Baseball was surprised as well but soon returned the kiss while their friends cheer happily until the newly formed couple released each other. 

Leafy, Balloony, Fan & Lightbulb: Whoo-Hoo!/How sweet./YEEESSSS!/I knew you had it in you.

Nickel: I've been experiencing the same thing, so if it's anyone on this earth I'd want as my first ever valentine... is just has to be you. 

Baseball: Aww Happy Valentine's Day Nickel. ^///^

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: WHOOOOO!!!!!!! BICKEL IS NOW OFFICIAL!!! Oh- and a Happy Valentine's day to all of you awesome readers. I love each and every one of you. <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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