Bottle Spinning Madness

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Nickel's P.O.V:

I should not have signed up to this game... Microphone comes back with a slice of red velvet cake and sit back down next to me.

Mic: ya ready?

Nickel: Nope.

Mic: Too bad, hold your head down flat.

Nickel: Wa- nugh!

Microphone pushes me down enough to have my head laying flat, her tail made sure I kept still while I felt a slice of cake placed on my head and she eats it with some of the others laughing. I wasn't amused in case you were wondering, finally she was done and I can sit up again.

Nickel: You done now?

Mic: Yes, you can sit up now. 

Microphone spins the bottle in which it lands on Fan, she slides the hat to him so he can pick up a random note. I swear it better not involve me again...

Fan: Let's see what we got here. "Let others draw on your face."

Nickel: Hey that works well since you're made of paper.

Fan: Not that kind of paper!

Paintbrush: *snicker* I know just what to draw on you Fan, let me handle this.

Bot: can I draw on Fan too?

Paintbrush: Sure.

Bot and Paintbrush both grab a crayon and start drawing, once both the enbys were done Fan had a small message saying "I'm stupid" written in bright orange and a bunch of butterflies drawn in pink and green.

Fan: How do I look?

Lightbulb: *snirk* Nice. Ok, your turn to spin Fan.

Fan: You got it!

The bottle spins once more, this time landing on Baseball. He doesn't comment and just pulls out a note from the hat.

Normal P.O.V:

Nickel: What does it say?

Baseball: "Sing a love ballad to the person on your left".

Nickel: Oh.. well, it's better than my head being used as a plate.

Baseball: I know a good one. *ahem* Remember the feelings, remember the day my stone heart was breaking, my love ran away.. This moment I knew I would be someone else my love turned around and I felt...~

Baseball: Be my bad boy be my man be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend. You can be my bad boy, but understand that I don't need you in my life again. Won't you be my bad boy be my man be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend. You can be my bad boy, but understand that don't need you again... No I don't need you again...~

Nickel blushes a little as Baseball sung the first chorus and after he finished and sat back down. The coin was speechless as he pretty much felt an odd pounding in his chest, in his confusion he completely forgot that he's surrounded by other people until Mic snapped him out of it.

Paintbrush: Nice singing Baseball

Mic: Oooh Nickel, did that love song actually resonate with you? |;)

Nickel: *stammering* Wh-what? No! No, no of course not! 

???: Really? Because the intense redness of your face says otherwise.

Everyone freaks out at suddenly noticing that Floory was right there in the room with them, Baseball even fell off his chair.


Paintbrush: And how long have you been there!!?

Floor: Not long, maybe from when I heard Yin-Yang's girlish scream...?


Floor: Nice to finally meet you in person by the way Baseball.

Baseball: GAAAHH! The floor talks!

Floor: Well of course I do, I'm not Teardrop.

Baseball: *sigh* I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore... I literally met an eldritch space monster not a few months ago...

Bot: Wanna play spin the bottle with us Floory?

Floor: Normally I'd say "YES, Absolutely!" but being real here I don't even have a body. So I'll just watch. ^u^

Lightbulb: Okay. Baseball, your turn to spin.

Baseball spins the bottle, after a little bit the bottle lands on Paintbrush.

Paintbrush: Okay, give me the hat. Uh.. "KISS WHOEVER THE BOTTLE LANDS ON NEXT"!?!?

Everyone: Oooooooh.....!

Paintbrush: *stutters* W-What the canvas! I thought this Spin the bottle was gonna be different!!

Nickel: It's spin the bottle Painty, there's gonna be a kiss at some point by default. 

Fan: *snirk* You must feel pretty stupid right now.

Paintbrush: Try looking in a mirror Fan. 

Fan: Aw that's not nice. >:(

Paintbrush: No really, go look in a mirror.

While Fan curiously gets up to check the bathroom mirror Paintbrush reluctantly spins the bottle sweating buckets over the anticipation of who it'll stop at, thankfully with a miraculous stroke of luck the bottle lands on on the one who started this whole thing... Lightbulb.

Lightbulb: Ooh! What a coink-ki-dink. :D

Paintbrush: Phew... I can work with this. 

Paintbrush puts Lightbulb in their embrace and the two of them share a sweet kiss. Lightbulb's wiry tail made little sparks while the others watches, they shortly break up the kiss.

Lightbulb: Well, I think that's a good time to wrap it up. Good night everyone!

Lightbulb picks up the bottle and hat and everyone gets up and goes back to their usual business.

~To be Continued~ 

(Author's NOTE: This was gonna be finished last week but I'm having a serious burnout.)

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