Unnatural Classmate

473 13 46

Baseball's P.O.V:

Microphone leads Me down the hall to the field outside of the school building, Nickel also follows with us.

Baseball: So who's this person you wanted me to meet?

Mic: Just my neighbor, he's real friendly. I gotta warn you, he's a bit how do I put it..? 

Nickel: Weird enough to be from another planet?

Mic: I was going to say different but I guess that works too.... Chances are you've already heard of him, chances are you have not... But either way please don't freak out when you meet him.

Baseball: So you have a "weird" neighbor, I don't see how that's any concern just about every neighborhood has at least one of them. 

Mic: Alrighty then...

Nickel: *snicker*

We finally enter the outer back of the school and find some people chatting around a bench, Mic gestures me to follow her and we walk up to them. 

Dark Figure: Yeah, he said he's doing better... Oh Hey Mic.

Mic: Hey guys!

Blue-capped pen: What's up?

Mic: I want to introduce some of you to my new friend Baseball.

Baseball: Hi there.

Pen: Oh, yeah the guy who rammed Trophy and demolished the Music classroom. Blocky told me about ya, my name's Pen.

Baseball: Oooh, you... know about that...

Pen: Yep, as well as the busted cafeteria table, the fractured gym wall and the smashed car in the parking lot.

Dark Figure: Wow. And I though I've caused a bit of property damage...

Robotic girl: You did though, more than him in his time here-

Dark Figure: Not on purpose though Remote, you know me.

Pen: Yeah, considering the lethal amount of damage from last time, I'm surprised the police aren't after you.

Dark Figure: Don't remind me of that... :(

Baseball: I'm sorry but uh what happened with that? 

Remote: Can't tell you, we both signed an oath to keep it between us. Anyway, I am Remote.

Baseball: Nice to meet you.

I shake Remote's hand and feel my prosthetic hand get slightly crushed.

Baseball: Woah good grip. You lift?

Remote: I can carry almost everyone in my club. :)

Mic: Over here is my neighbor, get up and introduce yourself big guy.

The other two seemed totally fine, though the third one who Mic confirmed to be her neighbor looked rather bizarre. He had 3 fingers on each hand, lacked a full face and when he got up from the bench he was revealed to be surprisingly bigger than even me. Seeing him look down to me slightly honestly made me feel a chill up my spine, but despite this intimidating exterior he gave a casual smile and held his hand out to shake mine.

Black Hole: New guy huh? Name's Black Hole, pleased to finally meet you. I was... busy with other things...

Baseball: Same here. Heh, that's a nifty nickname you go by.

He tilted his head to me like I said something in butchered french.

Black Hole: Eh that my actual name.

Baseball: Oh really..?

Black Hole: Yeah.. I'm a literal black hole, did she or Nickel not tell you?

Baseball: ...

Baseball: oh   :>

Everyone: ......

Black Hole: You don't have to hide that your frightened of me-  -_-

Baseball: No! no, no. What made you think I was scared in some way ha. I need to use the restroom for a moment, be right back.

Mic's P.O.V:

Baseball had left for the men's restroom, just to check I turn up the gain knob on my back.

Nickel: I think he took it well. ;)


Mic: *sigh* Yep, real well...

Baseball's P.O.V:

Phew, got that off my chest... As I make my way back to Mic, Nickel and the others, I thought back to a rumor I heard about something like an extraterrestrial object living in New Yoyle City, I didn't believe it at all at the time, thinking it was just some silly joke. But now, that 'rumor' is very real.

Baseball: I'm back! 

Black Hole: You really weren't scared of me??

Baseball: Nah. Maybe started by how you're taller than me but Mic told me you're a nice guy so uh I believe her.  ^u^

Nickel: You know Baseball, Black Hole's quite heavy. Think that would lighten how subconcious you are about your weight?

Baseball: Black hole's have weight??

Black Hole: We're the lightest and heaviest things in the universe but in this form, our mass does convert to physical weight. 

Baseball: This probably is a bad idea but I kind of want to try and lift you. Just out of curiosity.

Black Hole: Uh okay. *sits down on the floor* Go for it then.

Everyone stands back while a crack my 'knuckles' and wrap my hands around Black Hole. Then I pull and pull but not even an inch did he move.


Black Hole: Ehh, you can stop now, I hate for you to pull something thanks to me.

Baseball: I got it..! HHHRRRRRAAAGGGGGGG-! 


Baseball: AAH! Oof!

The straps that keeps my prosthetic arms on snapped making me fall over and my said arms fall limp without a wearer to control them. Nickel and pen started laughing and Black Hole gets up and pick up my arms for me.

Baseball: On man, the seller said that strap would last 10 years!

Black Hole: Uh here, Need some help?

Baseball: Yeah...

Black Hole: .... 

Black Hole: How do I put prosthetic limbs on a person?

Remote: Well for starters, Baseball will have to take his shirt off so you can strap the arms back on.

I blush embarrassingly at the idea.

Baseball: In public? Uh, I'll just do that at home or maybe one of the teachers could help hehe... Thanks anyway.

Black Hole: Sorry that this first impression has been a bit *fsss* awkward...

Baseball: Not all your fault, I was the one that got really nervous. I should be heading to my next class though, see you guys later. 

The others say bye and I head inside trying to keep my prosthetic arms on top of me in search of my next classroom.

~To be continued~

(Author's NOTE: They've finally met! My two favorite boys have finally met!!! :D)

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