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Baseball's P.O.V:

School is back in action but that's the last thing I'm thinking about, through out our first day I've found that I have more classes with Nickel, Suitcase and I are in Language Arts together so that's nice. Back on topic over the summer my eh feeling for Nickel have become more clear, at first I thought my intrusive thoughts were just messing with me, but I understand now. I love Nickel, more than just as my best friend. 

But... would he feel the same...? This question has been bugging me all day! After history had finished I still sat on my desk.. thinking, when someone taps my shoulder snapping me back into reality.

Candle: Baseball.

Baseball: AAH-! Oh it's just you Candle. 

Candle: If I may explain the vibes of your aura seem off balanced, may I ask what is the matter?

Baseball: I could but then again you probably already know.

Candle: What I know is that there is rumored chemistry between you and your old friend Nickel, now I'm not exactly one to believe what my school mates gossip about until I discover proof. So I'll ask, what do you feel about him?

Candle's gaze reaches my very being and compels me not to argue with the likes of her, she brings off a sort of presence that just allows me to calm down and be honest with myself to her.

Baseball: ...

Baseball: conflicted... I'm not sure how to convey my feelings to him, or if he'll even react in a positive manner. 

Candle: I see. I might know of someone who's had these experiences that you can talk with after school. I have a class with him later today, if you'd like I can tell him about your predicament and have him meet with you in the school courtyard after school.

Baseball: Sure, that could help.

Candle nods at me with her usual calm and content smile before she picks up her things and walks out of the room.

Time skip: After school-

I make my way to the courtyard like Candle said and look for the person she said I could meet with, after some looking around I noticed a tree (a sentient one) wearing some intelligent clothing sitting on a bench and reading a book (nice to see another fellow bookworm). I approach him and grab his attention, upon doing so he holds his book down to look at me.

Tree: Hello, I take it you're the one Candle asked me to speak to?

Baseball: Y-yeah. I'm Baseball.

Tree: Tree, pleasure to meet you. Now let's talk, I've been told you have feelings for someone close?

Baseball: I do, for my childhood best friend Nickel. I'm not sure if he'd take it well, he's not the kind of guy to take change all too well y'know?

Tree: I know what it's like to worry about what others think, but I wouldn't worry. Like you said, Nickel's your best friend and you've known each other since your early youth. Honestly the best advice I can give is the most common and cheesy piece; just be yourself. 

Baseball: Well, that is good advice. But how will it even help if I choke my tongue trying to say something?

Tree: How about this, practice your confession with me and I'll see how it is.

Baseball: Uh.... Okay.

Normal P.O.V:

Baseball takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as he goes down on one knee.

Baseball: "I know we've been kept apart for a real long time and we've only just reconnected our friendship, B-but over the course of this year I've started to feel something deeper and I just think maybe we could try taking our relationship to another route. Be... Because I love you..."

Tree: Hmm, well that's certainly one way to confess...

???: WHY YOU-!!

Baseball: oof-!

Out of nowhere Baseball is suddenly tackled, slammed and held up against a wall with sheer force.


Baseball: Ow.. Oh hey Black Hole.

Black Hole: Don't 'Hey Black Hole' me, I heard what you said to Tree. BACK OFF HIM HE'S MINE!

Baseball: Oh- Tree's the boyfriend you mentioned? Well you- *gag* really know how to pick em...

Black Hole: Yes, I do. Now if I ever catch you trying anything funny with him I swear on my existence I will-

The space anomaly raises his fist when Tree stops him trying to contain his laughter. 

Tree: Black Hole Black Hole! Wait it's just a misunderstanding! You didn't hear everything, Baseball's confession isn't for me, it's directed to Nickel.

Black Hole: ..... It is..?

Tree: YES! Now p-please put Baseball down, you're *snirk* making him paler than he should be. *chuckle* 

Black Hole: Oh.... uhh sorry about that...

Black Hole plops Baseball down while he takes a moment to regather himself.

Baseball: It's fine.

Tree: Anyway Baseball, your confession seems nice. Here's an extra tip, if you do start to bite your tongue there's no issue in improvising. I would know, my fallen star had done that. 

Black Hole: Wait you could tell?

Tree: How would I not?

Baseball: Thanks Tree I'll keep that in mind. Also sorry about the misunderstanding Black Hole.

Black Hole: Don't be, I'm the one that 'jumped the gun' as they call it.

Tree & Black Hole head off together while Baseball walks the other way home.

(To be Continued)

[DIA] Return of an Old FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin