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Normal P.O.V:

Nickel and Baseball walk out of the theater together after the movie was finished, it had gotten very windy but wasn't to much of a problem as they continued talking to each other.

Nickel: Wowie Kapowie- wowie wowie! That movie was AWESOME!

Baseball: *laughs* Yeah, it really was. What part was your favorite?

Nickel: Probably Toad rolling up on his monster truck, what was your favorite part?

Baseball scratches the back of his head slightly embarrassed.

Baseball: I.. I really liked that song Bowser sang for Peach, he was really heartfelt about his feelings.

Nickel: Really, that part? Well I can agree with you he has an impressive voice.

Baseball: You might as well say that to Jack Black, the one who voiced him. Also he was very cute practicing his proposal.

Nickel: Bowser was cute? He's a large dragon-like turtle, and you think he was cute? XD

Baseball: Well yeah. I mean when you think about it, he was simply looking for love and to unite his and Peach's kingdoms. Of course the Mushroom Kingdom fear him because he appears more as a raging beast to them.

Baseball: I guess I sometimes see a bit of myself in him...

Nickel: Wow, that's... that's really deep...

Baseball: Heh, yeah sorry about that. I know the movie was meant to be simple-

Nickel: No don't be, I can actually see why you favored Bower so much now. You relate to his concept, to me that's what makes a favorite character for someone.

Baseball: Gee thanks buddy.

The two continue walking down the street when Baseball stops for some reason.

Nickel: Baseball? Why'd you stop?

Baseball: Do.. do you hear something?

Nickel: Just the wind, and believe me it's strong.

Baseball: No I meant like, a faint scream-

Faint familiar voice: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh-


Baseball: Huh-


Barely noticing Nickel's waring someone sent flying crashes into Baseball and sticks with his chest until he pulls them off.


Leafy: *shakes* Hi Baseball, what weather we're having today huh?

Nickel: What made you decide you could slap yourself on Baseball?

Leafy: Not my fault! Woah- It's so windy I keep getting swept away by it no matter what I do-


Leafy starts to get blown away again until Baseball grabs her by the leg.

Leafy: AAAH-

Baseball: I gotcha!

Leafy: Thank you, uhh... can you maybe take me home? 

Nickel: What you can't get there yourself?

Leafy: I really appreciate it. I don't want to get stuck on the Yoyle Needy again. Long story.

Baseball: Yeah sure, lead the way.

Nickel: So we're really doing this, I gotta warn ya since I forgot to. (She's pretty much a whack job)

Baseball: Who Leafy? Don't be silly look at her, can't even fight off the wind without help. It's the right thing to do.

For about a while now Nickel and Baseball while holding Leafy like a kite head over to her house, right outside the front door Firey stood with a pair of binoculars and a fishing rood fitted with a grabber toy of sorts when he finds Leafy with the two best friends and rushes over to take her.

Firey: There you are Leafy are you okay?

Leafy: Yeah I'm fine.

Firey: Thanks for your help guys.

Baseball: No problem.

Firey takes Leafy and they quickly get inside. Baseball and Nickel then make their way home.

Baseball: See, no harm no fowl in helping a friend.

Nickel: Okay, okay you have a point. I actually wonder if she really did get stuck on top of the Yoyle Needy.

Baseball: Well if it's no problem we could ask he-

"Good morning and good night! I wake up at twilight, it's gonna be alright..."~

Baseball: Oh, that's my phone. Gimme a sec uh... Hold this for me?

Nickel holds his head down and flat when Baseball puts the bucket of leftover popcorn on him and shuffles through his pockets.

Nickel: Woah uh.. ok...

"Woah-oh-oh-oh Oh, Oh, Oh. Woah-oh-oh-oh it's always a g-"~ *BEEP*

Baseball: Hello?

While Baseball answers he swipes the popcorn bucket off of Nickel who's relieved to not struggle for balance anymore.

Nickel: Phew..

Baseball: Oh hey. ... Oh I'm doing alright, watched the new Mario Movie with Nickel. .... Um... Yeah I think I have time. .... Where? Oh okay thanks, I'll meet you there then.


Nickel: Who was it?

Baseball: It was Lightbulb, she wants to meet with me at some place called The Clubhouse of Awesomeness. But I don't know where that is...

Nickel: Oh I do, I've been there multiple times. C'mon I'll lead you there.

Baseball: Oh really, thanks pal.

Nickel: No problem.

~To be Continued~

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