First Date

409 10 37

Baseball's P.O.V:

Me and my lil' sister Suitcase sit on the couch watching tv and eating Oreos, we watched this cartoon about a blue cat and fish (with legs as weird as it sounds) for a few hours when Balloon walks in looking rather sheepish and taps Suitcase for her attention.

Suitcase: Hm?

Balloon: Uh H-hey Suitcase. Uh.. I got you this.

He pulls out a pretty blue flower from behind him and gives it to Suitcase, I sit up as she accepts it from him.

Suitcase: It's so pretty, thanks Balloon. I really like it.

Balloon: I'm glad you do, anyway uhh.. There's this new pizza place that opened up down the street, and I was wondering if you'd like to I don't know go there for dinner.. with me?

Suitcase: That sounds really nice, I'd love to go with you!

Balloon: R-really? Okay, I'll come get you at 8:00, if that's ok with you Baseball.

Baseball: Oh I don't mind at all. Hey Suitcase why don't you go preserve that nice flower in a book like you learned in your 4th grade art class?

Suitcase: That's a good idea Baseball, I'll do just that. Be right back!

Normal P.O.V:

Suitcase runs up the stairs likely to her room to compress her flower in a book, leaving Baseball and Balloon alone. He gets up from the couch and chats with Balloon.

Balloon: I'm so glad you gave me permission to take her out. 

Baseball: It's no problem, I just have to let you know one thing before you do so.

Balloon: And what is that- EEP!

Baseball swiftly grabs Balloon by the shirt collar in one hand and holds him up right to his now very menacing face.

Baseball: If you so much as break her sweet little heart, I'll make it certain that you suffer a fate so bad you'll be on your needs begging for the sweet sweet release of death. Have I made myself clear?

Balloon: *franticly nods* Uh-huh Uh-huh! C-crystal clear! 0_0'

Baseball: Good. 

Baseball releases Balloon from his hold and sits back on the couch as Balloon slowly fell back on his feet petrified.

~Timeskip 8:00 PM~

Suitcase heads downstairs with a simply but cute dress and goes to Balloon who was waiting near the front door, Baseball and Nickel also stood by.

Nickel: So, Suitcase huh? |;)

Balloon: Oh be quite..

Suitcase: What do you think? Pepper helped me pick it out.

Balloon and Baseball: You look great.

Balloon and Baseball: .....

Baseball: You two have fun okay?

Suitcase: I will Big bro.

Suitcase hops into Baseball's arms for a hug, while Baseball hug his sister he looks towards Balloon and gives him the "I'm watching you" gesture with a squint in his eyes. Balloon gulps quietly and nods to him. Suitcase then releases herself from Baseball's hug and heads out the door with Balloon. Lightbulb suddenly pops out from another doorframe startling Baseball and Nickel.

Lightbulb: HEY GUYS! OJ isn't home, wanna play Spin the Bottle!?

Baseball: Sure, I've never played.

Nickel: Eh I got some time to kill.

Baseball, Nickel, Lightbulb, Fan, Paintbrush, Mic, Bot and Yin-Yang gathered around a table as Lightbulb places an empty glass bottle in the dead center of it.

Baseball: So... how does this work?

Lightbulb: Do I tell him?

Fan: It's a kissing game.

Baseball: K-KISSING?????

Lightbulb: Eh not just kissing this time, I added on to it so it can be more fun. Now...SPIN DA BOTTLE! 

Lightbulb then gets the bottle spinning like crazy until it finally stops.

Nickel: Alright let's hope it doesn't stop at... me... How nice...

Lightbulb: Alrighty Nickaroo, take a note from this hat and whatever it reads you have to do it.

Nickel: Don't call me that. Let's see... "Wax the person's chest that's in front of you"...

Yin-Yang: Oh, that's uh us... Oh-ho! That means I get to show off my MANLINESS!!

Out of nowhere Yang rips his shirt open revealing a chest full of black and white hair.


Nickel: UGH!

Fan: OH! *closes himself and covers Bot's eyes*

Mic: Yin-Yang put that away!!

Paintbrush: Man I wish I had bleach now.

Yin-Yang: Waxing doesn't hurt... does it?

Nickel: Oh no no no. Let me get what I need and... Okay, I'm just gonna do a little bit got it. Hold still annnd...


Nickel gets on the table holding waxing paper, puts it on Yin-Yang's chest and with cheeky look to himself rips it off fast. Yin-Yang flinched drastically and a very mixed reaction, Yin was very much crying and yang was attempting to hold back the tears.

Yin-Yang: eeeeee... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: *laughs*

Nickel: There we go, smooth like a baby's behind.

Yin-Yang: Y-you did all of it at ounce!??

Nickel: Yeah I did. Now put your jacket back on and spin.

After regaining their composure Yin-Yang spins the bottle having it land on Mic.

Mic: "Eat cake on the person to your... right"...

Mic looks to the right to see who it is, Baseball nods frantically and points downwards confirming that the person on the right of her was Nickel.

Mic: Oh...

Nickel: OH COME ON!!!! D:<


Nickel: Ugh!

Mic: I'll be right back...

Bot: Ooooh... This is gonna be goood!

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: I know what you might be thinking with this cliffhanger, but stop it right now.)

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