The Looney Balloonies

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Normal P.O.V:

Nickel: Okay Baseball here's the gist of it, to officially join our secret club of awesomeness, you have to pass the entry test. 

Baseball: Entry test?

Nickel nods and slides his way through the bars of the cell, Bot follows inside and Balloon does as well by squeezing through.

Nickel: Just get past these metal bars and you're in. *whispers to Balloon* These bars are metal right?

Balloon: *nods*

Baseball: Sounds simple enough. 

Baseball stretches a little and attempts to squeeze his way through the bars like Balloon did but after a few minuets of trying led to no avail.

Baseball: *pant pant pant* This would so much easier if I was still the size I was as a kid.

Nickel: Heh, sorry buddy you're just too big to get through...

As Nickel turns around to face the other two Baseball gets an idea.

Nickel: I guess you can't join our-


The screeching sound of bending metal fills the area Nickel, Balloon and Bot then look in surprise to see Baseball step into the jail with the metal bars bent wide open. 

Baseball: So, am I in now?

Nickel, Balloon & Bot: O:

Baseball: What? 

Baseball looks at the bars he bent.

Baseball: Oh, here I'll fix that. *grunt* ok...

He bends the metal bars back into their original straight position. 

Baseball: There we go, all fixed. 

Baseball: .....

Baseball: Of course, now I'm stuck here.

Bot: Oh don't worry about that, we'll just work on a hidden door for you. 

Balloon: Yeah, but first we should find out how we can get this thing out of this ditch and put it where we planned. 

Bot: The junkyard had a crane we could use. 

Nickel: Do any of us even know how to use a crane? 

Bot: Oh uh.....

While the group thinks of a solution Nickel looks to notice Baseball bending the bars apart again to get out.

Nickel: I got brilliant idea....

A few minuets later a ramp of sorts was built up to the top of the dirt wall, the prison set has been tied up with a bunch of rope and Baseball is going up the ramp pulling the prison set up it. The other three wait up on the top of the ditch.

Balloon: I kind of feel bad for making Baseball do this...

Nickel: Did you see how he bent those bars, it wasn't the first instance of his super strength being shown, I don't even know why was surprised. 

Bot: Hey Baseball are you sure you want to go through with this? Isn't that.. heavy or something?

Baseball: *pant* I'll be fine, this isn't really the heaviest thing I've tried to pull but *grunt* it's up there. 

Baseball: HRRRRG... Just a... little... more...

Once Baseball got to the top of the ditch he turns around and pulls the prison set the rest of the way. After that he flops on his back panting like a hot dog.

Nickel: You did good newbie, take a breather.

The two besties high five and Nickel goes back to Bot and Balloon.

Nickel: Knowing Baseball he's gonna need to rest for a good while, in the meantime lets search the junkyard for anything that could make moving this thing more efficient.

The trio spread out in the junkyard to find anything useful.

Balloon: Nickel Nickel! Look what I found!

Nickel: A scooter board, how's that supposed to help us move a jail set?

Balloon: It has wheels.

Nickel: Well yeah but it's tiny, it'll get crushed before we even start moving!

Balloon: But Nickel I-

Nickel: Ah bu-bu-but! I don't want to argue with you Balloon, just go find something actually useful.

Nickel: Find anything Bot?

Bot pokes their head out from an empty oil barrel.

Bot: Only some used loofas and broken uhh whatever chimney cleaners use. Also I don't think this oil barrel is fully empty...

Nickel: You don't have to tell me, I can smell it from over there.

Balloon: Nickel I'm telling these will be handy-

Nickel: ENOUGH WITH THE SCOOTER BOARD BALLOON! One scooter board isn't going to cut it!!

Balloon: Well how about lots of scooter boards?

Nickel: Huh?

Balloon leads Nickel and Bot to a crate full of skateboards, some broken in two some still good.

Bot: Oooh. How could we use them though???

Nickel: I'm thinking, I'm thinking...

After an hour of searching Nickel, Balloon, and Bot come back to the jail set with the crate of scooter boards and strong tape.

Nickel: Yo Baseball, you think you can hold one side of the jail up a bit?

Baseball: Hmm, I'll try... Hrrrg. Whatever your plan is make it quick...

One corner at a time Baseball holds a side of the jail set up as Bot puts a scooter board under it and uses a brand of strong tape to keep them in place.

Bot: Alrighty now if this works we can pull our base to it's destined spot like a wagon.

Baseball: Allow me.

Baseball picks up the rope again and starts tugging, Balloon also pulls with Baseball and Bot pushes at the back, Nickel due to not having his prosthetics on simply acted as navigator. By supper they were able to (somehow) sneak the jail set behind Hotel OJ and hid it with shrubbery.

Nickel: Alright, it took a lot of time but we did it. Good job team.

Bot: I should get back home before Test Tube gets worried. See ya.

Balloon: Bye Bot!

Balloon, Nickel and Baseball head inside the hotel and into their rooms, Baseball went into the bathroom to change clothes and plopped himself on his bed while Nickel gets on his switch.

Nickel: Hey B-ball, you down for Mariokart? 

Baseball: *yawn* Nah, I'm kind of tired. I'm going to bed.

Nickel: Oh, okay... I'll keep it down then.

Baseball: Thanks.

~To be Continued~

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