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Normal P.O.V:

Baseball and Nickel walk down the street until they stop at a building labeled "DMV".

Baseball: So what did you want to go to the DMV for?

Nickel: Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna get my driver's license. 

Baseball: Oh really, that's great. 

The two head inside and Nickel walks up to person at the front desk.

Nickel: Hey doll, I'm here to get my driver's license.

Receptionist: You'll have to fill in this application first.

She hands Nickel a sheet of paper and he sits down at the waiting chairs with Baseball working on the application. A few minutes later he finishes up and turns it in.

Receptionist: Alright, you're all set to take the permit test. Would you like this answer sheet to study up?

Nickel: No thank you.

Baseball: He'll take it.

While Nickel studies for his test Baseball chills beside him with his phone. 

On Baseball's phone:

Baseball: *chuckle* 

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Baseball: *chuckle* 

Nickel: Hey does being a midget qualify for being allowed to park in a handicap space?

Baseball: Uuh... I'm not sure, probably not.

Nickel: Darn.

After a while of studying Nickel puts the paper down and goes on to take the test for his license.

Nickel: Ok, I think I'm ready.

Baseball: Good luck.

Baseball browses through Twitter when he stumbles on video recording of a long dark reptilian creature flying around in a frantic manner. As odd as he found it to be he shrugged it off as a photoshopped skit for likes and retweets it to some of his friends. Mic then sends him a text in response.

Punk-Yeller: Hey, saw your retweet.

B-Ball: Yeah? What do you think?

Punk-Yeller: I think that it matches with what I discovered in my neighbor's apartment. 

Mic then sends Baseball a screenshot of Black Hole's apartment in near shambles.

B-Ball: Dang, how'd that happen?

Punk-Yeller: That's what I'm gonna ask Black Hole once I see him again. I'll keep ya updated. *thumbs up sticker*

B-Ball: *"OK! sticker*

Back with Nickel he struggles partway through the test. 

Nickel: UGH! This is even harder than any other test I've had at school!

Test handler: No talking.

Nickel: Ronald Regan was right..

Nickel then finishes the test and turns it in.

Nickel: Alright, is this good enough?

Test handler: Barely, you got a score of 80 exact. 

Nickel: WOWIE KA-PWOWIE! Yes! Now to take the driver's test.

Baseball: How'd you do?

Nickel: Surprisingly well. Wish me luck on the driver's test.

Nickel heads outside to meet with his driving instructor waiting right on the side of his car.

4-Ball: Hello, I am 4-Ball and I will be your driving instructor-

Nickel: Down here deadbeat.

4-Ball: Ah... Here's how this works, I give you directions to follow, any mistake you make warrants a deduction, too many deductions and you fail.

Nickel: Got it. 

Nickel climbs into the driver seat and cracks the knuckles of his prosthetic arms only to realize a little issue.

Nickel: Uhh... you don't happen to have a phone book or something I can sit on do you?

Meanwhile, Baseball decides to sit outside the DMV once he sits down on a close by bench an uber driver stops by and out from the vehicle stands Mic.

Mic: Thanks for the ride. Oh hey Baseball!

Baseball: Hey, what're you here at the DMV for?

Mic: I *chuckle* recently discovered that my motorcycle license expired... so I'm here to get it renewed. How about you?

Baseball: Nickel's getting his driver's license, I'm out here waiting for him. Ah that's him and his instructor now.

Baseball and Mic wave to Nickel as he passes by them.

4-Ball: Eyes on the road. Okay take a right at the next intersection.

Nickel does as 4-Ball suggested and kept his eyes on what's in front of him, upon reaching an intersection instead of taking the right he stops at a red light which allowed a woman walking a bunch of dogs cross. Nickel glanced at 4-Ball taking notes slightly nervous with how he didn't do as he was told but once the light went back to green he went right.

4-Ball: Nice job remembering the traffic lights.

Nickel: Thanks. (phew..)

A few hours later they arrive back in front of the DMV, Nickel attempts to parallel park the car and manages to succeed with only one minor mistake a bumping into the back bumper of another car.

4-Ball: This test is graded on a scale of 1 to 100 and judging by the kind of driving you've done, what would you give yourself?

Nickel: Eh I don't know, a 90?

4-Ball: Little boastful as I'd more so give an 84, never the less you pass.

Nickel: YES!

Baseball continues to wait outside on his phone watching something when Nickel proudly steps through the doors and greets him.

Baseball: An elephant powerup? Well that's gonna be interesting... Oh Nickel, how'd it go?

Nickel: I.... PASSED!!!

Baseball: Nice! Low five!

The two pals 'high' five each other and head for home.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Sorry for the long wait, I was low on ideas for this part of DIA.)

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