Sleep Song

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Normal P.O.V:

It was night in New Yoyle City, everyone within Hotel OJ is fast asleep with not a sound to be heard-


Ok never mind. Paintbrush lies in bed and removes their sleep mask revealing a red twitching pair of eyes. They look to the direction of their roommate Fan who's also suffering through lack of peace and quiet.

Fan: Uuuuggggghhhh I can't sleeeeeeep...!

Paintbrush: I'll go speak with those two..

They get up and go down one floor to Nickel and Baseball's room, once there Paintbrush makes an attempt to wake up the source of the loud snoring.

Paintbrush: Baseball wake up! 


Paintbrush: Come on, you're snoring again!

Paintbrush slaps Baseball many times but none of them worked, they look to Nickel still asleep somehow and goes to investigate finding a tiny opened box on his night stand.

Paintbrush: How can you sleep through this right next to you? Hm? Noise canceling ear buds!?(That would explain a few things...)

Fan: Hey having trouble waking him up?

Paintbrush: Yeah, I have another idea though. Help me carry him will you?

Fan and Paintbrush struggle down the stairs and take the sleeping ball into the backyard.

Fan: Uh are you sure about leaving him out here? It could be uncomfortable.

Paintbrush: It's not worse than a snore that shakes the floor, and besides he sleeps more like a rock than anything. 

They both plop him down and go back inside to finally get a some sleep leaving the snoring Baseball outside on the porch. His snoring then catches the attention of a bizarre red creature that was laying of a tree branch, it crawls down and looks to Baseball then the Hotel then to Baseball then the Hotel and back to Baseball seemingly annoyed. 

???: ....

Still fast asleep Baseball is suddenly plopped right back on his bed by the creature that vanishes immediately afterwards.

???: HRM!


Paintbrush is waken up again by the snoring and rushes back to his room surprised to see Baseball back on his bed.

Paintbrush: *siiigh*

Baseball: uhp- Do you have to sigh so loudly? Some of us are trying to sleep. >:C

Baseball immediately gets back under the covers and falls back to sleep snoring once more leaving Paintbrush standing there with one eye twitching. The following morning Baseball and Nickel sit in the dinning room each with a bowl of Springtastic, Paintbrush and Oj then come in with a line of other residents getting coffee.

Nickel: Hey guys- ooh... you don't look so hot. 

Baseball: Yeah, You should get more sleep.

Paintbrush: ... more sleep..?

Paintbrush: MORE SLEEP?!?!?


Baseball + Nickel: AH-!

Paintbrush: WHY I OUGHTA-!!!

The bristles on Paintbrush's head suddenly ignite as they smash their cup to the floor and rush towards Baseball with extreme aggression causing him to hide behind a table as some of the others keep Paintbrush back.

Baseball: AAAH! 

Everyone: Painty take it easy, take it easy!/Paintbrush calm down!/Yeah he's not worth it!/ This is highly unprofessional!!/Leave my buddy alone!

Baseball: CHEESE AND RICE!! What did I do!?!? Q~Q

OJ then silences the commotion of overlapping voices with a long hard whistle.

OJ: Everyone calm down, fighting solves nothing! Listen, hardly any of us got sleep because of how much you've been snoring lately Baseball.

Baseball: Is that what this is about? I tried everything okay! Breathing strips, mouth guard, chamomile tea with honey cinnamon & peppermint, air filters, diffuser and I STILL snore!

Soap: Baseball, you've got to figure something out about your snoring. It's *yawn* really getting to be a problem...

Suitcase: *exhale* Alright, I'll see what else the web has about this.

Nickel: Now wait wait wait wait Baseball, clearly nothing some Joe on a computer is the solution. It's time to reel in a professional and I know just the person. Let's go!

The two head out to see someone about Baseball's snoring habits leaving everyone else to do their own thing any maybe have to quiet. 

Lightbulb: *YAWN*

OJ: I feel you Lightbulb, who'd thought Baseball would be that loud in his sleep.

Lightbulb: Oh, I'm not tired because of Baseball.

Fan: Wait a minuet you're not?

Lightbulb: Nope, I'm actually used to his occasional sleep song. not only were we both in the same middles school but we were also dorm neighbors.

Knife: What else kept you all night then?

Lightbulb: Me and Suitcase had a pillow fight until we passed out.

Everyone: .....

Suitcase: *crunches on her cereal* It's true, we were.

~To be Continued~

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