A friendship that dates Prehistory

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Baseball's P.O.V:

Me and Nickel look through the lab for something about the weird portal thingy that took Test Tube and Lightbulb. 

Baseball: Find anything?

Nickel: I'm checking out these vials, maybe one of them can open a new portal... "Experiment 626"... Yeah I'm not experiencing that again.

Nickel: What are we looking for anyway? We don't even know where they went!

Baseball: I don't know, this is better than sitting around doing nothing like rocks!

We both argue about what to do (y'know like best friends always do) for a couple minutes until we hear a door open Bot then shows up in their PJs.

Bot: What is going on in here?

Baseball & Nickel: ...

Baseball: Uh... Test Tube and Lightbulb got sucked into a weird portaly thingy.

Nickel: ("Portaly?" Really..?)

Baseball: And we don't know how to get them back.

Bot: Wait, portal thing? Eeh... was this portal green with zappy stuff around?

Nickel: Er.. Y-yeah, how'd you guess?

Bot starts to pace around seeming to keep themself from panicking. 

Bot: Oh that's not good! That vortex came out of Mom's time machine prototype! Is it still in the lab?

Nickel: No, I'm pretty sure it went through with them. Actually how do you know about this?

Bot: I know all about Mom's creations, being one myself and all. That aside if her time machine is with them in whenever they are, we have no garneted way of finding them. Unless... we make a new one! Start finding blueprints!

Meanwhile in 150 Million B.C. Normal P.O.V:

Lightbulb wakes up from sleeping in the tree and looks down seeing that there's no bear-like beast in sight. 

Lightbulb: Psst. Psst! Test Tube wake up.

Test Tube: Ehh... huh?

Lightbulb: The monster's gone, it left. 

Test Tube: It did? Phew thank goodness, we're safe...

The two climb down the tree and then got moving.

Test Tube: But it could still come back, let's go. Ugh, if only this time period had the resources I need to fix this piece of junk and get us home!

Lightbulb: Hey look on the bright side, we get to experience something only paleontologists can dream of. And besides, Baseball and Nickel will find a way to get us back right Baxter?

Baxter: *snip snip snip*

Test Tube: We're doomed... 

The girls continue to explore the forest they come across a half rotting carcass near their path.

Lightbulb: Oh no! What happened to this poor creature? :(

Test Tube: The circle of life, that's what happened. C'mon let's get moving-

*rustle rustle*

Test Tube: Something's coming! Hide!

Test Tube:

I quickly take cover in some shrubs followed by Lightbulb and both peek through the leafage awaiting for whatever is in the bushes on the other side of the path to come out. As anticipated the creature leaps out resembling a mixture of a Compsognathus and a Tasmanian devil, it's body is rough looking and silvery, like it's hide is of a raw mineral. It started to gnaw at the carcass feasting on the meat that was leftover.

Lightbulb:  *Snirk* You're on edge over a little guy like that? Look at him he's tiny.

Test Tube: Okay I admit I overreacted. A little critter like this though is usually in a pack... Lightbulb?

Lightbulb comes out of hiding and approaches the mineral compy.

Silvery Compsognathus: ???

Lightbulb: Hey there little buddy, aw you're a cutie-


The second Lightbulb gets to close the compy starts hissing aggressively and stomping her away from the carcass. 

Lightbulb: WOAH WOAH WOAH! Phew, this little guy is feisty kinda reminds me of someone. What do you think Testy?

Test Tube: A-actually yeah, it dose. Oddly enough I always thought about Nickel as the scavenger type.

Lightbulb: Woah what gave you the idea it's prehistoric Nickel?

Test Tube: It's been theorized for years now that small objects like coins evolved from small creatures of this time period. Also look at this one's body, it's clearly made out of a shiny mineral either silver or more likely since it's on the surface nickel. Y'know what Nickel is made out of.

Lightbulb: Ooooh okay. I still don't why they named a mineral after him?

Test Tube facepalms herself and Lightbulb looks to notice the compy eyeing Baxter about to pounce. She swiftly grabs him in time but the little dino-marsupial wasn't having it.

Lightbulb: Hey hey hey No! Baxter is NOT crab cocktail! 

Lightbulb: Ow, hey stop chewing on my knees! I need those! 

Test Tube watches the creature viscously "attacks" Lightbulb's legs when even louder rustling in the bushes is heard indicating something bigger approaching. 

Test Tube: Lightbulb! We gotta hide NOW!

Lightbulb: Woah-!

Primal Nickel: Sreee-! *thud*

The girls hide back in their shrubs and peek through, the same baseball-like-bear comes out holding a dead caribou and tosses it on the ground. The fur covered dino nickel gets up and hops on the corpse eating off of it with the beast the brought it.

Lightbulb: Hey how come he didn't try to scare him away?

Test Tube: Fascinating... these two creatures appeared to have formed a pact together. I'd say they can be considered as friends.

Test Tube's good mood on this discovery is put off when she then notices the big beast's leg, it's wounded....

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Have you guys ever seen those pieces of fanart that give the osc characters animal characteristics, like tails fur paws ect? Well I decided the prehistoric objects in this AU will reference that. XD)

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