The Grand Slams 2

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Normal P.O.V:

During lunch Nickel, Balloon and Suitcase sit at a table waiting for Baseball who finally arrives in what looks to be a slightly sour mood.

Balloon: Hey Baseball, uh  what's up? You don't seem to happy..

Baseball: ...

Suitcase: I got in trouble with Trophy and Baseball had to save.

Nickel: Oh dang, are you okay?

Suitcase: yeah.

Baseball: I'm not upset that I had to save you sis, I'm upset because I got detention for damaging a wall. *sigh* At least that Trophy guy is in detention too.

Nickel: Yeah, I'm not a fan of detention either but hey, at least it's not expulsion. Heh, I hate to have to lose you again.

Baseball: Yeah I sorta thought that was gonna happen but the principal went easy on me??

Balloon: I wouldn't say that. The thing is building destruction is somewhat common in this school. 

Nickel: Anyways, I've persuaded Knife into signing up, I did attempt to get Bomby and Topaz to join but they both declined. 

Balloon: I got Microphone to join and she got her girlfriend Soap to join too.

Nickel: The germaphobic neat freak!? Why didn't you stop her?

Balloon: I'm not gonna get between two lovers, I heard Mic say something about Soap overcoming her cleaning obsession so maybe it won't be so bad.

Suitcase: I had a chat with Cheesy too and he joined in too, said it was a 'gouda' idea.

Balloon: Haha, I get it. Gouda..

Nickel: Ugh...

Balloon: So uh did you really get expelled from your old school?

Nickel: Balloon!

Baseball: *sigh* Yeah, I violently beat up a student for hurting Suitcase.

Suitcase: I dropped out because Baseball is the only family I have and I didn't want to be alone again.

Nickel: Wait only family? What about your Mom an Da-


Baseball: Welp lunch is over better get to class!

Baseball quickly left the table and Suitcase followed soon, leaving Balloon and Nickel there who gives a slight side eye to the particular response to what he was trying to ask.

Time skip after school Baseball's P.O.V:

While everyone was leaving the school building to go home I had to be at one of the classrooms for detention, as I grab the necessities from my locker I look to a photo of me and Suitcase, she's a sharp girl she should be able to find her way home herself. I finally get there and sit down as I didn't want to upset the Vice Principal any further. At least Trophy and I aren't the only ones in detention it seems. A pencil, a rusted coin, a paintbrush and red building block are seating around in this too, I don't know what any of them are here for but I could care less. I sit down and get a book out of bag to read when I later find Trophy leaning in over my shoulder curiously.

Baseball: Hm-?

Trophy: *whistling*

I look back up to the Vice Principal to see that he has his feet up and is just eating cookies. Y'know for a humanoid cellphone you think he'd be a little more professional. He looks at the clock and back to the class.

MePhone: Paintbrush, you're free to go your 40 minuets are up.

Paintbrush: Ugh, finally!

MePhone: As for the rest of you I'll be right back, I have some important business to attend to...

The vice principal gets up and leaves the room.

Baseball: I wonder what business that is?

Pencil: Knowing him he's just gonna raid the vending machines and pass out on sugar. Which means I get some time to catch up on my texts.

The pencil goes over to the front desk and steals her phone from the desk and then back to her desk and begins texting. I look back to Trophy who's still pretending not to be interested in what I'm doing.

Baseball: Didn't bring anything to keep yourself occupied I assume?

Trophy: PHHT-! Of course I can occupy myself through detention, I'm just not allowed to bring a camera.

Baseball: A camera, did I hear that right?

Trophy: *annoyed sigh* Tell no one cool but I take photos for a hobby.

Baseball: I don't see anything wrong with that, I read when I have free time. 

Trophy: You didn't have to knock me through a wall you know.

Baseball: You say that like I wanted to that when you're the one who forced my hand. I don't tolerate people who pick on those smaller and weaker than them, it's unfair.

Red block: Do you two mind shutting up? I'm plotting my next prank. Hmm, maybe I'll take away the wet floor sign and watch people slip hehehe...

I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that...

Trophy: I'll admit it, you're quite tough for someone that overweight.

Baseball: We're already stuck here for 2 hours, you better not be trying to get us more detention.

Trophy: I'm not that foolish, I'm just complementing you. You're deceitfully strong! I've been considering to join your little club after all.

Baseball: You want to join The Grand Slams even after I clobbered you?

Trophy: Eh, I got nothing better to do with my life.

Baseball: Alright then but on one condition, you apologize to my sister and not harm her like that again got it?

Trophy nods and shake hands as a neutral agreement. This is going to be quite interesting.

~To be Continued~ 

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