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Nickel's P.O.V:

It was a simple boring history class with Baseball (now that I know he has this class too) when Mom comes in through the door.

Tea Kettle: Hello? This is the correct classroom right?

Firey Speaker Box: That depends, what are you doing here? You're not a student.

Tea Kettle: Well my boy Nickel forgot his lunch and one of his prosthetics so I brought them here.

Nickel: Oh thanks Mom.

Tea Kettle: It's no problem.

Baseball: Hey there Ms. Kettle, remember me?

Tea Kettle: Oh my antique shop, is that really you Baseball? My I haven't seen you since you and Nickel were wee boys. 

Baseball: Yeah, it's been some time...

Tea Kettle: You've grown so much these years, but I can tell just by the your face you're still the same sweetheart.

Baseball: Aww.

Mom pinches Baseball's cheek and he just takes it with a bashful blush.

Nickel: *ahem* Mom, you might as well be going home now.

Tea Kettle: Oh uh sure thing honey. *whispers* he claims I screw with his reputation when I'm here. Well bye now.

Baseball: She's as sweet and polite as ever.

Nickel: *sigh* Yeah she's a cool mom and all but she can be a real meddler I tell ya.

Baseball: Just be thankful you have her while you still do Nickel, because you never realize how much your loved ones really mean to you... until they're gone...

Baseball seemed a bit downed as he said that.

Nickel: That was really cryptic of you to say, are you doing okay?

Baseball: Me? Of course, I'm fine hehe. What am I to be depressed about? I'm back with you.


Baseball: Well that's the bell time to get to class!

Baseball grabs his stuff in a hurry and exited the classroom, that's the second time he technically dodged my question. First time was when he told Suitcase she was his only family when I know for a fact he has parents, I've known them from when we both were kids. And then this. Is something going on with his family at home, and if so what is he not telling me? I gotta figure this out. After school I went down to the classroom The Thinkers usually hold our meetings, as usual everyone here is sitting in a circle so I join in. 

Candle: Thank you for coming to today's gathering, today will be about talking about our feelings that we believe not many would want to hear. Goo why don't you start, what is currently bothering you?

Goo: Oh uhm... how do I say this... during biology today Pillow asked me that if were to be cut I would multiplied, and... I felt kind of threatened, I imagine Pillow might be planning something bad for me but I don't know! I don't even know what would happen if I was split in two, the thought of it alone is tearing me apart!


Goo(s): Ooh, that tickled. 

The Thinkers: .....

Paintbrush: Uh yeah how about we erm..

Paintbrush picks up the two pieces of Goo and tries to put them back together somehow succeeding.

Paintbrush: Ah, there we go.

Floor: I can get what you mean, some people have asked me if digging tools hurt me but they really don't in fact shovels tend to tickle a little. 

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