Irrational fears

394 12 28

Normal P.O.V:

BEEP sit around together during lunch chatting when Baseball and Nickel join them, Baseball carried a small plush purple bear with a little top hat and tie.

Leafy: ..and that's why I'm no longer allowed with a sharp item (unless in the kitchen) unsupervised.

Balloony: I don't know what's more unnerving the reason for that story, or how you explained it so casually like it was a completely normal topic.

David: Aww seriously?

Nickel: Hey guys, what's up?

Cloudy: Nothing much. Hey, nice plush Baseball.

Baseball: Thanks, I won it at the arcade yesterday.

He places it down beside him to let everyone see it but all of a sudden Leafy snatches it and throws it with so much force it flies over a couple tables until it falls into Black Hole's event horizon.

Leafy: NNEYGH!


Black Hole: Huh? Eh.

Baseball: What the heck was THAT about Leafy!? It took me FOREVER to win that plushy!!

Leafy: I'm doing you a favor! Those beings of terror would've come to life at night and eat your BRAIN, especially the front part! O_O

Baseball: What.. are you even talking about...?

Nickel: *sigh* Again with this Leafy? We've been over this, those silly robots are not real. they can't hurt you or anyone else.

Leafy: You don't know that! We could be living in the year of the third game according to what Blocky once told me!

Baseball: I'm I... missing.. something??

Balloony: Pen had Leafy play FNAF a few years ago and from what I heard... it didn't end well for either of the two.

Roboty: .- - / .-.. . .- ... - / ... .... . .----. ... / -. --- - / .--. .- .-. .- -. --- .. -.. / --- ..-. / .-.. .. ...- . / .-. --- -... --- - ... / .-.. .. -.- . / -- .

Baseball: What happened-?

Pen (in the distance): THE PYSCO MAIMED ME IS WHAT SHE DID!

BEEP: ....

Cloudy: You want in on our conversation Pen?

Pen: NO! 

Pen runs off.

Nickel: I've had enough of this, all in favor of getting Leafy to get over her fears?

Leafy: WHAT? I'm the director of this club, you can't do that!

Nickel: Yeah, but trust us Leafy, this is for your own good.

Everyone raises their hand up including Baseball and Nickel nods in a serious manner.

Nickel: Alright it's decided then. Next BEEP meeting Leafy, you are facing Freddy and Co. once and for all!

Roboty: -. --- / --. . - - .. -. --. / --- ..- - / .. ..-. / .. - / - .... .. ... / - .. -- .

Leafy: *gulp*

After school was another Grand Slams gathering, Baseball and Nickel were already in the gym waiting for the other members to arrive and are currently setting up.

Balloon: Hey guys!

Suitcase: I wonder what we're doing today.

Baseball: Hey everyone.

Nickel: Hey, Bot love the new look.

Bot: Aww gee thanks! 

Baseball: Where's Mic?

Knife: She's bringing some equipment from the lockers she'll be here soon.

Mic: Hey everyone sorry I was late- YIPE-!

Microphone walks in with an open duffle bag when she slips and as she fell everything in the bag also fell out, those things being baseball equipment like mitts, balls and even bats that rolled away in Baseball's direction. In a matter of seconds with surprising athletics Baseball leaps backwards into a corner a few feet off the ground using his legs and arms as supports.

Baseball: Get them away, get them away! GET THEM AWAY FROM ME NOW!!

Mic rushes over to pick everything up starting with the bats considering Baseball's reaction.

Microphone: Chill out BB, there just baseball bats.

Baseball: Yeah, the worst kind.

Suitcase: Oooh boy...

Trophy: *chuckle* How ironic that a baseball is afraid of inanimate wooden bats. >XD

Knife: Not really when you actually think about it...

Trophy: What, are you implying that I'm stupid?

Knife: I don't know, maybe I am.


Nickel: I like talking smack behind someone as much as the next guy, but I will NOT tolerate any of that around my best bud! GOT IT?

Knife & Trophy: ....

Knife: Alright little man.

Nickel: C'mon Baseball get down from there, we have practice to do.

Baseball jumps down from the higher part of the corner wall and gets back with everyone after Suitcase helps regain his composer.

Mic: So... I was thinking since it's such a nice day out we could play some baseball but I guess that's out?

Nickel: Yep, (and even then it might feel awkward) but luckily (ugh) Baseball and I had already planned something to today. Go ahead and tell him big guy.

Baseball: Huh- Oh yeah. In case some of you didn't hear, I made the school soccer team. So we're gonna practice soccer!

Balloon: Ooh! Sounds like a lot of fun!

Bot: This is perfect, I've got the best legs for it! *extends legs*

Knife: I'm down for it.

Soap: I guess it won't be too bad...

Baseball: Alright then, lets go to the field and get to work.

~To be Continued~

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