Chapter 49

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On the previous chapter...

I couldn't look him in the eyes.

I got up to leave the room but he grabbed my wrist, making me sit down on his bed.

It took me years to build up my walls and it took him only 2 years to crumble them all down.

I was vulnerable.

I am vulnerable.

What if something happens to him and I opened up for nothing?

What if he will betray me?

What if he is the one and I am only fooling myself?

Maybe I should give this a chance. Like Mauricio said give love a chance.

I never had this feeling with anyone besides him. It has always been him.

I closed my eyes as I felt his forehead on mine. His hand clenching into mines.

'Loving you is the beginning of me, please don't let it be the end of me'. He whispers.

Alessandro's POV

She opened her mouth. 'But what if-'.

'Stop overthinking'. I stopped her. 'No more what if's, give it a chance Madeline. You can't keep on living like this, you need someone in your life. Let me guid you through life'.

I know that it must be hard for her. She has suffered and the only thing she felt was betrayal.

But she can't keep on living like this. She needs to face her fears and make something more beautiful out of her live.

Her world only exists in black and grey.

She finally understood that she was never unlovable like they'd told her.

But I am not the one to talk, the same things go for me.

It's hard for me too.

But I would do absolutely anything for this woman. I would burn down this whole mafia with me if she asked me to.

'Alright. I will give you one chance. If you fuck it up I will chop your dick off'. She warns me and points her finger at me.

I smirk. 'Oh I am scared now'.

'You must have hit your head somewhere because this isn't the Alessandro I know'. She says.

I scoot over and make some place for her. I tap on the empty side of the bed as she lays down next to me.

She places her head on my chest.
'I came to my realizations. I thought that I was going to die and I don't want to die before I confessed my feelings towards you'. I reply.

It was the truth.

I want her to know the truth about how I feel about her.

In the beginning I was fascinating about her, about the Proserpine. She was the assassin the whole underground feared. I wanted her by my side.

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