Chapter 4

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On the previous chapter...

No one even bothered to get into this room so I just screamed the whole time.
'Helooooooo is there anybody here. Help meeeee'. I laughed. I knew I was kidnapped. Don't worry I will escape.

'Can you for once shut up please?' I heard a guy say and he opened the door. He came in with a bag
'Oh look it's the fucker from the store. What a coincidence'. I say. He took a chair and sat in front of me.

'Can I sit down too? My ass hurts because of this harsh ground. You are rich and can't even afford a good ground? What's wrong with you. You can't even treat a lady'. I say while trying to get these chains out.

'No you can't. I don't have time for your bullshit so just answer my questions'. He demands me
'And what if I don't?' I tease him. He comes closer and I could see how light his eyes are actually. They are hazel and he has beautiful curly lashes.

'Then I will torture you'. He replies and opens up the bag. I only saw knifes, guns etc.
'Hmm sounds fun but before we start, who are you?' I asks him
'I ask the questions here not you. You just answer me'. He replies and takes out a gun.

Alessandro's POV

She has been awake for like 2 minutes but those 2 minutes were the worst 2 minutes in my life. She won't stop screaming this bitch. As I went downstairs Carter came with me.

I had a bag full of knifes and guns to torture her of course.

Not going to lie she is an attractive looking lady. She has long straight black hair and green eyes. She is short 5'5 and has curves. A good thing for an one night stand. She has some scars on her face and her body.

'I'm Alessandro, the boss of the Italian mafia and this is Carter, he works for me'. I say to her
'You are the boss?' She laughed
'Tesoro you better start answering my fucking questions before I stab this knife into your heart'. I warn her

'Sorry my bad. What was your question?' She asks. This is going to take so fucking long. She is lucky that she is a lady and that we need to protect her.

'Why did you kill Ivan?' I ask
'Ivan? Ivan hmm. I don't know who that is sorry'. She replies and Carter punches her and her head falls back. I mean I get his frustration, she has been annoying for the couple 10 minutes and she shot him.

She raises her head slowly, smiling with blood across her teeth. The right side of her face is covered with blood, but she isn't affected by it. She is crazy.

Carter showed her a picture of Ivan.
'Oh him. Yeah I killed him, how did you know that?' She asks us

'That doesn't matter. What does matter is that you killed a Russian, so now the Russians are after you. Considering that you are the proserpine. We want some answers and work together'. Carter takes a sip of his drink. The room was filled with her evil laughter.

'You two want to work with me? The mafia?' She chuckled
'I know you want the assassin alliance, you've wanted it since you were little right?' I began questioning her. Her whole body was becoming tense.

'How the fuck do you know about that?' She asks
'It wasn't hard, really. I did my research. I also found out that you killed your parents and your little brother. You burned the whole house down'. I reply and she was laughing, again.

'You don't know anything about me'. Her eyes began to darkening
'Let's make a deal then'. Carter interrupted us

'We will help you and you will help us'. He says
'And why do you need my help?' She looks confused

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