Chapter 50

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On the previous chapter...

'Call my doctor now'. I demand Noah.

'Uhm about that'. Hij zegt het langzaam.

'What?' I stand up.

'He is dead'. He states.

'What do you mean he is dead?' Uzziah asks. 'And why are you telling this us now?'

'Dead as in he doesn't breath and he has no heart beat. He is cold, blue and stinks'. Carter reply's for Noah.

Uzziah rolls his eyes. 'I know what it means Carter'.

I pick Ophelia up and lay her down on the dining table.

'Then stop asking stupid questions'. Carter walks up to him.

Madeline grabs Uzziah as Verasha grabs Carter. 'Knock it off'.

Carter curses again and grabs his knife.

'Oh you want to injure me now too pretty boy?' Uzziah taunts and grabs his gun.

'I will kill you'. Carter walks up to him again.

I grab my own gun and remove it from the safety and shot a bullet through a wall.

'You two can stop bickering around like children or I will make sure of it'. I warn both of them.

They hide their weapons away and walk up to the table.

'What do we do now?' Verasha asks.

'We operate her'. I state.

Madeline's POV

'Are you out of your mind?' I ask him.

'Yes I am. Now you can either stand there like an idiot or help me with my cousin before she looses her other eyesight'. He sighs.

Verasha and I grabbed everything we thought we would be needing.

Alessandro grabbed a pincet. 'Ophelia open your eyes slowly'.

She tried.

But it only lasted for 3 seconds.

'For fuck sake. Bring her to the hospital'. Carter sighs.

'She can't go, they will keep track of her. We need anesthesia'. Uzziah suggest.
'You want to drug me now Uzziah?' Ophelia jokes.

'It's the only way. She can't open her eyes, it hurts too much. If you want to play doctor, you should operate her with anesthesia'. Uzziah replies.

'He is right'. I say. 'Otherwise this would be useless'.

'Bring it to me'. Alessandro says. By the look of his face he is stressed. He doesn't know what to do or what to begin with.

'I already have it'. Uzziah says.

Alessandro found a vein and disinfected her skin as he puts the needle through her.
'Ophelia we are putting you to sleep but you will wake up and look me into my beautiful face'. Uzziah taunts.

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