Chapter 22

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On the previous chapter...

I place my toy on my clit, as I place two fingers inside, looking at the camera the whole time.

I don't hold back my moans, I let it all out as if I'm the only one in this house.

I heard my phone ring.

Shit I forget to silence my phone

As I looked at my phone I saw the name Alessandro. I sighed and answered the call
'Put me on speaker, right now'. He demands

I laugh. 'No, what do you want?'

'You'. He replied darkly.

Alessandro's POV

I decided to give Madeline some space since the death of Mauricio. I know how hard it is for her, she pretends that nothing is going on but since her room is right next to mine, I hear everything. I hear her sobs, I hear her as she has her nightmares, the awful things she says to herself as she cried and the stuff she breaks in her room.

Every fucking night.

She doesn't train as much as she used to do and she lost some weight. Her face is more chiseled now and her arms and legs are slimmer. She doesn't even bother to eat. If we sit down to eat, she just stares forward, doesn't even budge if Carter throws something at her. And she is the last person who gets up.

Maybe I need to hire someone who will feed her.

It's probably the same for Verasha. I don't talk to her very often, but she is good. The only problem is Madeline, like always. But I don't have a problem with Verasha and I know she struggles with his death too.

I told Carter to give them some space too but do you really think he is going to listen to anyone? No of course not. He knows when to listen if it's serious, but this doesn't bother him, so he bothers others.

Madeline doesn't know this, no one does but I promised Mauricio to take care of her. The reason why I don't plan to kill her anymore. I didn't know Mauricio for a long time, but he is a Nobel and good man, I won't let him down especially if I promised something.

I heard a knock on my door. 'Come in'.

I looked over at the door as I saw Mauricio enter the door. 'For what do I own this pleasure, Mauricio?'

'I want to make a deal with you'. He replies and sits down in front of me.
I stop with my work and take my glasses of.

'What kind of deal?' I ask getting curious now
'I know that the Russians will be the downfall of me, we all know it. Madeline and Verasha are too blind to see it and I know they will take the blame on them. So the deal is is that I fight along the side with your man, we will do everything to take them down, even if that means my own death. And for return I want you to take care of my girls forever, till your last day'. He says, mostly demanding

I thought about it for a minute. 'Alright deal'. I say as I extend my arm as he does the same and we shake our hands.

Mauricio did what he had to do. He helped it with the Russians, even if it meant his own death. His side of the deal is completed and now it's mine turn.

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