Chapter 2

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On the previous chapter...

I stayed up, like always. I have sleeping problems, since my parents and brother died. I always have nightmares about it. I have sleeping pills but I don't take them, they give me acne I hate that shit. So I would rather stay up all night and think about my life.

Make plans as always. Mauricio sends me on mission most of the time so besides my revenge plan, I kill other men too. That's how my life is, it's just killing people.

My life exists of affairs, murders and money. What's missing? Exactly, it's a great lifestyle.

Madeline's POV

The next day I decided to go to one of Mauricio's training rooms. He has a lot and one of them is specially made for me. It's like a normal training room.

There is a place to fire guns, to throw knifes, a boxing place and like a normal gym some equipments.

I ate some pancakes and left the house. Today I decided to go with my Range Rover. That was the first car that I ever bought and it's the best.

Verasha is still trying to find out who Carter is. She still doesn't know who it is that's why we think it's a powerful person. Otherwise she could've found him easily.

Most of the time after my missions I don't go out for like two days because if they know who I am, they are dead. So if they find me, they can't do anything.

Verasha will know and in the mean time I have left the country. It happened twice.

The last time it happened, Mauricio made some new rules for me; don't go out for two days. It was hard for me the first few times. It got out of hand a few times but I learned from my mistakes, I guess.

Today I trained my whole body and threw some knifes. Sometimes it's hard to train without having any partners, with who am I suppose to spare now.

I had some partners but I have killed them all because they are too weak for me. When I was 12 years old I began with training.

Mauricio teached me everything a person should know. It was hard at first, to accept that this is my life now. But life isn't fair, in this world we learn by suffering.

The first person I killed was when I was 14 years old. It was an old man who tried to rape me.

At that time I could defend myself, but I wasn't the best at it. So I did what Mauricio had learned me, you have to kill or you will be killed.

After the first five people I killed, I didn't feel anything. I still don't feel anything and I want it to be it that way.

Emotions are dangerous.

And in the underworld it's better if you keep them under control.

After my training I immediately went home.

Before I could open the door, Verasha stormed inside the garage.
'Where the fuck where you?' She asked concerned

'I was training at Mauricio's place, I already told you that. What's wrong?' I reply

'Come upstairs with me, someone was trying to hack our system. Of course they couldn't do it but three other hackers of Mauricio helped me. Who ever this person is, he knows what he is doing. He is good. There is a highlikely chance that we are dealing with some powerful men'. She told me while we were going upstairs. Mauricio was upstairs too.

'Any idea who it is?' Mauricio asked us

'Nope, I can't find anything about this person. I think it might be one of the Russians. Maybe they found out that you killed Ivan'. Verasha replies and does some hacking shit on her computer.

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