Chapter 42

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On the previous chapter...

I throw some gasoline around the club. Nobody even realizes it. They are busy drinking or fucking.

They are too drunk to realize it.

These disgusting motherfuckers dared to place their dirty hands on the girls. I am going to find their family's and deliver their fucking bones to them.

The thought of what could've happened if I didn't came makes my blood boil again.

They fucking drugged them.

They wanted to rape them.

I clench my jaw and try to ignore these thoughts. They are safe now.

I lightened up a lighter and let it fall down on the gasoline.

I walked out of the club as I watch my club burn down. The drunken people are now screaming and running out of the club.

I always have some cars here, I thought that it would be handy at some time.

And now it is.

I drove with the car to my house and in the meantime I called with Noah.

'Yes sir'. He answered the call
'Noah did Dante arrive with the girls?' I ask him

'Yes, he did'. He replies

I let out a breath. 'Okay good. I want you to delete the footages of the club that I just burned down'.

'Yes sir. Anything else?' He asks

'Keep an eye out for Carter'. I warn

Verasha's POV

'I don't care. No more fucking clubs for you!' I heard Alessandro yell.

Jesus Christ.

Alessandro is a quit man, he doesn't raise his voice that much but if he does almost the whole house fucking hears him.

You can hear him shout through his fucking office.

Hearing him yell with this killing hangover is fucking horrible. Even dead sounds beter at this point.

I opened the door of his office and saw Madeline and Ophelia already in his office.

'Great, you are the one that I was missing Verasha'. Alessandro says sarcastically.
'We didn't do anything wrong Alessandro'. I replied and sat down next to them.

He raises his eyebrow up. 'That's not the point'.

'Then what is the fucking point?' Ophelia asked immediately

'You were fucking drugged'. He replied

I look confused at him but I wasn't the only one. We all looked confused.

We were drugged?

His glaze softened. 'You don't remember it?'
Ophelia and I shake our head. 'No'.

I looked at Madeline but she was out of the world. She didn't say anything as she looks forward.

I knew exactly what she was thinking. About the night, we weren't drugged since then.

I began to panic. Suddenly I couldn't breathe. Tears rushing from the corners of my eyes.

I rushed out of the room, leaving them behind.

I walked to my bathroom trying to calm myself down.

I grabbed the sink but my hands keep on shaking.

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