Chapter 25

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On the previous chapter...

'Dante, my mate. How was your night?' Madeline asks and gives him a hand shake.
'Good Miss Ricci, how was yours?'

She begins to fake cry.' Not good. This bitch here is making me go home'. And slaps the back of my head.
'Madeline come inside, there is a pole here'. Verasha shouted and Madeline immediately got in the limousine.

'Alessandro get these bitches another car please!' Carter yelled

'God please help me'. I mumbled

As I entered the car I saw Madeline grind on the pole and Verasha slid down as Ophelia threw money on them and hyping them up.

Dante started driving and they both fell.

They both started laughing.

Madeline's POV

I woke up, with a huge hung over. 'Goddammit'. I mumbled

Thankfully I saw a glass of water next to me with an asperine.

After a hour or so I finally decided to get up and took a shower.

'Remind me not to drink again please'. I say as I walk into the kitchen.

'Your own fault'. Noah mumbled

I freeze. 'Noah please, I like you don't ruin it with your shitty comments'.

'He is right'. Carter joins

I roll my eyes. 'Carter the next time you sleep, don't wake up. Thank you'.

'The next time you're going down with the stairs, make sure to fall and hit your head so hard that you die'. Alessandro joins

'The next you light up a cigar, make sure it will be your last'. Verasha says to Alessandro.

'The next time you see your silhouette, make sure that he kills you right away'. Carter replies

'The next time you fuck a girl, make sure to remind me to cut your dick off'. I say to him

'The next time you decide to smash things, make sure to smash it into your head'. Alessandro says to me

'What a nice way to start the day'. I heard someone behind me say. 'Goodmorning Dante'.

I turned around and saw Ophelia.

She is good looking, I won't lie. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She is long like 5'9. The only thing her and Alessandro have in common is there tan. I don't really know what the think of her, she seems like a nice and loyal lady.

'Who are you?' Verasha asked

'So you don't know who she was but she was throwing money on you yesterday?' Carter says confused

'Money on me? What are you talking about?' Verasha was now getting confused

Alessandro begins to laugh. 'Ophelia show them the video please and Madeline check your phone'.

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