Chapter 43

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On the previous chapter...

'He knew this, didn't he?' I ask, referring to Alessandro.

He nods his head.


He kept this a secret from me. We never keep secrets to each other.

He knows my hate for families.

I always knew that my father didn't want me. I was planning to kill him this whole time but the time is coming more and more closer.

My so called mother is a fucking whore. I will fucking kill her with my own hands. I don't care if Alessandro wants his mother alive, I will fucking end her.

Opening up my mind is a challenge for me, I doubt that I will ever be able to overcome it. I would always say that family is bullshit, the people don't care about you whatever it is your dad or aunt. No one cares, they only care about themselves and will leave you if their lives became in danger.

Lucas continued to talk but I cant process any word he says. My mind is too busy with thinking.

Anger leaked through my finger tips.

I found out the truth.

I want to kill him.

Just wait a couple days Carter, be patient.

I will make everyone's life a living hell.

Madeline's POV

It's time.

Time for me to visit the graves of my mother, my brother and Mauricio.

My dad in the other hand can fuck himself in hell. He must be thanking me for not burning his grave.

But my parents taught me manners, I will leave the dead alone.

He is already suffering enough.

I haven't visited my mother and brother their graves in years. I felt so much guilt because I couldn't protect them and felt like I didn't deserve to life.

And the last year I still felt it but what I more felt was guilt.

The guilt that I killed them, they are dead because of me.

Mauricio is buried next to them along with his wife. My mother is buried next to my father and next to him is my brother Benjamin.

He always told me that that is what my brother wanted, he always wanted to be near his father.

Close to home.

Even tough our house was not our home, it was horrible. He went through a lot and still called it his home. He cared about our father after all the things he did to him. Benjamin would tell me how much he loved his father and that he wanted to be a man like him someday.

That day didn't come.

He looked up to that stupid old man. He would make presents for him when it was his birthday or fathersday.

My mom. I thank god that she was my mother but she must be regretting me as her daughter.

I killed her.

I don't know what I would've done if she wasn't my mother.

I parked my car at the parking space and walked up to their graves.

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