Chapter 7

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On the previous chapter...

I shush her. 'Act like a happy couple'.
We swayed in each other's arm and I spun her around again. It was a gentle and slow dance.

She looks at me innocently as her hands began to slowly go down my waist, she held my fucking gun.
'Hmm I'm wondering why you have such a dangerous thing with you'. She whispers.

I stare at her without any emotion. I hover above her, a smirk beginning to grow on my lips.

'So I can fire the bullet straight through your skull and watch your eyes drain of life'. I reply as her eyes darknen.

My hand kept going lower till I felt her gun strapped.
She looked me straight in the eye. 'What the fuck are you doing'. She whispered

I smirked devilishly at her. 'Hmm seems like I'm not the only one with a gun in here'.
She removed my hand from her thigh and moved it to the inside of her leg. I could feel her panties.

'If you wanted to touch me Alessandro, all you could do was ask'. She replies
'Disgusting now I got to wash my hand'. I taunt her and removed my hand.

Madeline's POV

After a while we finally left the ball. I had enough of this bullshit. Carter didn't even let me drink.

I left extra clothes for myself in the car because I knew that this was going to bother me. It was just my set of pyjama's. A pink silky top with a pink silky short.

I slowly zipped my dress down.
Alessandro immediately looked away. 'Che cazzo stai facendo?' (What the fuck are you doing)

'Undressing as you can see'. I replied. I got dressed up. 'You can look now'. And threw my dress at him. I just want to go to his house, as fast as possible. I need to get drunk and fuck one of his guards. Time to piss him off.

We arrived home and I immediately went to his bar. I poured myself some shots in and got Hennessy out of the cabinets. I was walking towards the stairs but I tripped. After 10 minutes I was finally upstairs.

I needed to get something from my room, my cigars. I opened the door of my room, then I saw Alessandro. 'What are you doing in my room?' He asks me and inhales his cigar.

'Your room?' I got confused. I looked around and saw his stuff around. I was really in his room.
'Yes my room. Get out, you're drunk'. He says. I stumbled towards his bed and laughed.
'Give me the cigar now'. I demand him

He walks up to me, grabbed my arm, dragged me out of his room and closed the door. I banged on the door. 'That's not nice'. I yelled. I want to my own room, got my shit and went downstairs. On the last few steps, I fell. 'I'm okay'. I mumbled. After a couple minutes I got up.

'Hey you'. I screamed at one of the guards.
'Who? Me'. He replied back
I laughed. 'Yes you. Want to fuck'. And without thinking twice he kissed me. We went tot the kitchen. He placed me on top of the kitchen counter. He is standing between my legs.

He gives me kisses in my neck and removes my pyjama's. I was left in my bra and panties. I opened the buttons of his blouse and removed it along with his pants. He lowers himself to my boobs. He gives me some  hickeys there. I removed his boxers and jerked him off.

I put the condom around his dick and he enters in me. We both gasp. Someone entered the kitchen and turned the lights on. He stops. 'Why did you stop? Continue'. I say to him. He looks behind me so I looked behind me and saw Alessandro.

'Close your eyes, don't look I'm naked'. I yelled. He sighed and turned around. The guard helped me get dressed. After a couple minutes Alessandro turned towards us. He shots his guard. Poor boy.

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