Chapter 36

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On the previous chapter...

This house had more of a brownish/nude colors in it, the opposite of his main house. His main house was mainly black with some white tints.

It was a simple room; a bed in the middle of the room with a nightstand on each side. It had a walk in closet and a bathroom.

Verasha would've loved this place, it fits her aesthetic. She is more of the brownish colors and I am more of the black and red.

Today I am going to take a good sleep and I am going to start with training tomorrow.

It is time to get my best friend back.

The trip to Italy did help me now I've realized  the difference between living life and surviving life.

And I was busy trying to survive life.

All I ever wanted in this world was to feel loved, it is crazy to think about it, all the things I did so I could feel loved without begging for it.

Maybe in the next life I will experience a happy life with love. Maybe I will truly live in the next life.

But in the end it's me against me.

Alessandro's POV

I grabbed my blazer and put it on as I heard two chickens fight outside.

'You are fucking mad'. Carter shouted
Madeline laughed. 'You look fucking hideous'.

'What the fuck is going on?' I muttered and open my door.

I was speechless at the sight of Carter.

He did in fact looked hideous

I tried to hold my laughter back. 'What happened to you?'

'This chick. She died my hair while I was sleeping'. He replied

'Yeah because he made fun of me'. Madeline adds.

Madeline changed, a lot since she came back. Her body is slimmer, she has been training more. Her face is also slimmer, her cheekbones are more prominent and of course her hair. I loved her black hair but I might even like the red hair more, it is a dark red color. It suits her very much.

The red hair brings her green eyes more forward.

I always wanted to fuck a red haired lady.

Maybe a second round won't hurt anyone right?

'Yeah because red doesn't suit her'. Carter looks in disgust
'Says you. You look like a fucking tampon'. Madeline replies and takes a picture of him

He walked up to her but Ophelia and Noah held him back.

'Fuck all you stupid motherfuckers!' He yelled and went back into his room.

'You're not even 24 hours here and you are already making him losing his mind'. Uzziah joins

She shrugs her shoulders. 'What can I say? I love chaos'.

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