It was noon. As I was preparing the food, reflexively I picked two lunch boxes. I've been doing this mistake for days now and its starting to annoy me. Realising what I did, I shut my eyes tight. Even father has started to notice how absentminded I've been, he even asked me about the abrupt leave of our guest. I don't know why but I think father wouldn't have believed me if I said that our guest was the king, so I just said that he had to go back to his homeland, which wasn't a complete lie. One day Father came home and told me that the king was living in our village for a while and that he would like to have a glimpse of him. He lived in your house!!

People apparently have been talking about it non stop and those who saw him that day have their chests swollen with pride as they tell others how dreamy he looked. Half of it is not even accurate but foolish citizens will listen and they'll believe.

He had become a habit, a habit I knew wasn't going to stick around a lot. Still I decided to take it for granted, hoping, wanting that he'd become a constant.

I wish he was just a common man. Things could have been so much easier that way.

I don't know where he is now, if he's still in the village or has begun his travel back to the castle. Its better if I have no information of him. Lets just say he was just a forbidden adventurous phase of my life and I'm happy that I tried to live it to the fullest.

Doing the smallest task feels like a burden and so it takes me an hour to chop vegetables and make a simple dish. I drag my feet across the kitchen and pack the freshly cooked food. A sudden creak of the door then grabs my attention, my head snapping towards the source of the sound. I frowned.

"Y/N?" My frown deepened when I recognised father's voice. What is he doing here? He never comes back before sunset. Wiping my hands on my apron I walked out of the kitchen.

"Yes, fath-" and I stop. My body seems to be paralysed at the sudden shock, limbs becoming completely stiff as I take in the view infront of me. I was so occupied with the thoughts of 'why father was here' that I ignored the slight shudder in his voice when he first called for me. Now i see the reason. What is going on?

King Jeon stood infront of me in his royal attire along with two guards behind him. He was stripped off of any emotion he showed once, making his aura colder and scarier than any one I knew. An uneasy feeling stirred in my stomach. One side of me was somewhat scared of the consequences of him standing under the same roof as me but the other side was relieved, happy and fluttering on seeing him after so long. With his uniform and jewels, he looks like the epitome of beauty and royalty. He looked neat which was in contrast to the way he lived here, all day long, covered in mud, sweat and dust. I wanted to caress his cheek softly, desperate to feel his skin that I missed more than I care to admit. How long has it been? A week. Felt like eternity to me.

While I wanted to marvel at the sight, the emotionless eyes staring at me without blinking pulled me back into reality. My eyes found my father's. He knows now. The unease and hesitation in his eyes says it all. Lowering my head, I bowed. I caught a glimpse of father's eyes widening. He must be feeling betrayed that I didn't tell him before. And it made me keep my head lowered for a while longer. "Y-your Majesty?" Straightening my spine, I gazed at a button on his coat, not wanting to meet his eyes. What is he doing here?

"King Jeon, please come inside, make yourself feel like home." Father led him inside, putting on a cheery facade. Jungkook walked like he owned the house, glaring at me for a few seconds before walking past me. If I'm not wrong, I heard him mumble under his breath 'found my home already'. Did he intentionally say it loud enough for me to hear? Those words definitely did something to me but now wasn't the right time to think about them.

When Jungkook sat comfortably on the sofa, father went infront of him.
"Would you like to have something? Tea-"

"Mr.Jung-" his voice stopped father from rambling on. "-you don't have to act differently with me. Treat me like you did before."

A nervous chuckle left his throat. "I apologize, Your Majesty, if we-I treated you in any way that was offensive to you. I wouldn't even have thought of making you work for me if I knew. I- I humbly apologize for my mistake-"

"Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't like to repeat myself, Mr.Jung." he spoke calmly. "You didn't do anything wrong and took care of me while I was disguised as a commoner." His eyes met mine and i flinched on the spot. "Infact, I was taken care of in the best way possible." A twitch in his lips showed how much he enjoyed seeing me like this. I looked away wanting to curse him.
He turned to the elderly man again.
"Have a seat, Sir. I want something from you." He sighed and glanced at the soldiers. I want to talk to him........alone." The soldiers standing on the door way left immediately. I sighed and was about to make my way out as well before he stopped me. "You stay."

Staying glued to my spot, I nervously began playing with the hem of my apron. Why do I feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest?

Father quickly sat across from him. "How can a poor man like me be of any use to you, Majesty? But ask away, I'll do my best to give it to you."

"I'm sure you can." The way he speaks now is like a 360° of how he spoke before. Even though he rarely showed emotion, back then his voice was polite but now it drips in authority. I guess thats how a king is suppose to be. "I want to marry your daughter, Mr.Jung."


Author: Hello!! I'm back.🙃 I'll be giving slow updates for a while but I'll definitely update. Hope you understand!

Anyway,🤧 Do you have a favorite character yet? I know they don't have that much depth but still👀...


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