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"Wait anubis, as in.." terry trailed off "do to reasons that won't be explained, death aka Anubis became my soulmate" harry explained "at the yule party, you said you were ninety" Lillian started to say " I'm 98, all together, I started this Life the moment my dad died, my first memory is my mother telling me she loved me and sacrificing herself for me. " Harry said with a clenched jaw, " why did you befriend us on the train? Why didn't you just walk away" Neville asked, he needed to know " Because you were my friends, because once upon a time when the world was going to shit, I had 5 best friends who stood with me, 3 of whom are in this room, and I'm a selfish old man " Harry replied . Hermione looked back up at harry, guilt filling her being she had turned her back on him because he saw the world differently than her, he saw a threat, harry had only ever been kind to her and she hated him for having a different view, she wasn't any better than the purebloods, only paying attention to the surface and not bothering to figure out what turned her friend into a muggle hater.

Hermione burst into tears in self loathing, Anthony moved off his dad and watched as harry scrambled out of bed and wrapped Hermione in a hug " shhhh, it's alright mione " he soothed "I'm so sorry" she sobbed as she buried her head into his chest "I know, I've already forgiven you, I can hardly blame you for being yourself " he whispered. Hermione only clung to him tighter, she silently swore to always be by his side because he cared for her even in spite of her faults, even when she scorned him, she knew she'd never be able to repay him but she'll try her hardest.

"I'm going with you" anubis said adamantly as harry got dressed "ok, my love" Asmodeus replied as he held his mate and shadowed to the entrance hall, power and anger radiated off of them in waves as they slammed the meeting room doors open, only the inner circle were in with voldemort. Barty's eyes widen and paled drastically, he kept glancing between his lords and the door, he knew why Asmodeus was mad and he pitied his lord "out" Asmodeus demanded, Barty dragged the closest person with him as he all but ran out of the room, Lucius went a bit slower but still left the room quickly, the others not far behind him. Voldemort refrained from gulping in fear, he ignored the spike of jealousy as he saw death wrapped around Asmodeus "I thought I specifically told you to leave Luna out of it" Asmodeus stated " I didn't intend for her to be harmed, one of my followers acted alone in his attack, I couldn't tell him to stop as I had to concentrate on my targets and it would implicate her father as a death eater" Voldemort explained as calmly as he could " what do you think my love? " Asmodeus asked Anubis causing another spike of jealousy to burn through Voldemort " he's telling the truth and little moon made us promise to let him live" he returned "alright he lives, however that man's Family doesn't" Asmodeus said before disappearing, thanking merlin it was only an old man and the man's wife he would kill

Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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