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"You were Reckless! You could have been injured or worse killed! Honestly your supposed to be a Ravenclaw not a bloody Gryffindor!" Lillian ranted, Anthony sat next to Luna in the bed across from him, holding his mate close to him as his alpha was getting his head bitten off, he couldn't wait to tell his uncles and moms later. "For the last time lils, he was torturing my friends, did you expect me to run away? Is that what you would want if you were in that situation?" Harry responded tiredly, he knew, Lillian knew that he had some part in the attack, however that didn't and wouldn't stop her from having her opinion heard by him. "I'd want you to do the slytherin thing! You could have-" Lillian broke off with a sob, harry sighed as he pulled the blonde into his arms, he forgot sometimes that lillian was still only 15, "I'm sorry lils" he apologized as he rubbed her back, he felt guilty that she worried about him enough to lose her emotions like this.

"Stupid Half-Blood, rushing in like a Gryffindor and fighting the dark lord like you stood a chance of winning" Lillian huffed once she regained her composure "Silly Pureblood, not trusting me, I -" Hermione interrupted as she couldn't hold her tongue any longer "well someone had to fight that monster!" She snapped with terry backing her up. Harry bit back a groan as he saw Lillian's eyes darken in anger, "Lillian" he warned, in no mood to put up with this fight right now, the only reason he was still in bed and not off killing a dark lord was because he was bloody terrified of Madam Pomfrey, and didn't want to risk facing her ire in his need for revenge. "Give it a rest alrighty you two" Neville said as he saw terry about to open his mouth and the triumphet look in Hermione's eyes "But Neville -" they both started before being cut off "use those brains of yours, You-know-who never leaves a victim alive or sane, not unless it benefits him in some way" Neville reasoned "we're still alive and sane" he added once he saw the confused looks from the person on either side of him, he glanced at luna and Anthony to see matching smiles on their faces before he quickly turned away.

"Why would he let us live? We're muggleborns and your from a family that always fought him, why-" the three fell silent as they felt magic cover the area, they turned to see smirks on luna and Anthony's face, harry twirling his wand as he watched them and Lillian watching them like a hawk, defiance shown in her eyes. "you thought it would be Hermione" Luna and Anthony sing-song causing a small smile to bloom on Harry's face "Sorry Neville, Terry but I thought Hermione would catch on first" he said as he tossed a bag of galleons over to the pair. " You want muggles dead like he does " Neville stated, holding eye contact despite his fear " yes" He admitted, " and muggleborns? " Hermione demanded as she reached for her wand only to have her's, Neville's and Terry's fly into Anthony's outstretched hand " there will be no spell fire" He said, his voice booking no arguments.

"Me and Voldemort don't agree on that one" Harry said, absently rubbing Lillian's hand when he saw her flinch at the dark Lord's name, "you've spoken to him then" terry decided, betrayal showing on his face "I have" he said. "And the attack-?" Neville asked, trailing off, Harry's eyes showed his regret and guilt "I'm truly sorry about that, I never wanted to hurt any of you, but our choices were few" He admitted, "you asked him to torture us?!" Hermione demanded as her eyes filled with tears. "No" "then what? You mentioned us in a conversation and thought it would be fun to torture us for amusement?!" Terry demanded "Do Not think for one second I found any amusement in that, do not think I'm heartless enough -" "what do you expect us to think, you always say your hatred for muggles and you go and tell Voldemort to torture us-" Hermione ranted.

"You have no idea what mundanes are capable of! You can't even begin to imagine what those monsters are capable of!" Harry shouted, his eyes showing his pain, anguish, guilt and grief, Anthony was immediately at his dad's side, offering comfort. "And you can?" Terry shot back "he doesn't have to imagine it" Luna remarked as she walked over and got comfortable on her Papa's lap " what does loony mean? " Lillian asked causing harry to shoot an irritated look at his daughter " they have a right to know " Luna said getting a nod from Anthony. " Know what? " terry asked, " What aren't you telling us? " Hermione added, he let out a sigh as he collected his thoughts. " This is my second life, my second chance. The first time around I was a Gryffindor, I defeated Voldemort, got married, became an auror, had a family it was wonderful... " Harry said his eyes distant as he recalled old memories " Around the time we turned 70, the Mundanes world leaders told them about the existence of magic, we never stood a chance" Harry said with a pained laugh.

" They attacked anyone even suspected of magic, every man, women and child, it was the modern day witch hunts. They hunted us down like animals, they destroyed Hogwarts, only a handful of us remained after the first couple of years, taking shelter in dying forests and struggling to survive just another hour " harry said, his eyes closed, he wouldn't be able to deal with the pain and horror he knew would be on the other's faces. " you -" Neville began " I was killed as the last magical alive by a shotgun, they treated it like a game, I ended up in purgatory, Anubis gave me three choices go back, move on and stay with him or redo my life, I choose to live, redo everything and kill Mundanes before they could kill us " Harry said quietly.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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