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"I'm not confident, I can last until the winter holidays" Harry muttered, dropping into the chair next to luna, his cub was in the room of requirement wanting to look at everything that had been lost to time, Terry and Li were still crazy about Lockhart, so harry spent most of his time with the first year, Anthony joining occasionally when harry forced him to leave the Room of requirements. "If he vanishes the day everyone's leaving for holiday, everyone will think he went home" Luna offered while writing her essay "well yeah, but that doesn't solve my now problem " harry replied "what will you do with the body?" Luna asked "Feed it to the basilisk, Luna Amuse me please " Harry most certainly did not whine, luna absently opened her bag before sliding over the newest addition of the Quibbler, Harry rolled his eyes fondly before opening it to the marked page , his first reaction upon seeing Lockhart's face, was to rip the thing to shreds, but then he actually read the article.

'Long-Time Lover of Lockhart bares All- Gilderoy gay?'

Harry sat up straight in his seat and read the article about this guy who claimed to be Lockhart's gay lover for the past 10 years, some of the details were practically pornographic but the whole article lifted Harry's spirits immediately and he enjoyed the laugh "This is Fantastic, a true masterpiece, do you mind if I keep it?" Harry asked her. "I have another copy" Luna replied absently "Your the best" harry leaned over and kissed her cheek before jumping up and bounding upstairs to pin the article on his wall next to Stephens art of ministry officials being killed.

Harry absently kicked his foot against the desk as he waited for his prey to arrive, students would be leaving for the train in an hour meaning he had slim chances of anyone seeing, he had vanished all of the man's things while he waited. What felt like an hour later, the door finally opened and Lockhart walked in, he paused, blinking slightly when he saw harry before smiling his most blinding smile before moving forward "Harry, harry, harry. I see you've finally come to me for help managing your fame "Lockhart said, harry raised an Eyebrow at the absurd peacock "Managing my fame? Why would I come to you for that? I'd more likely ask the headmaster for help, No, I'm afraid I'm here for a different reason, a much more pleasing one" harry said with a cold smile.

Harry sucked down Lockhart's soul "Oh, Ewww. That was... I think I'm gonna hurl" harry complained, trying desperately not throw up on the floor "Oh dear merlin, that was quite possibly the worst thing I've ever eaten, that tops Sirius Meatloaf Mystery " harry groaned before turning to the body "Please don't be contagious " harry muttered, grabbing Lockhart's arm, a snap of his fingers drenched the room in darkness , allowing harry to shadow down to the chamber, leaving the peacock there for snake food. Shadowing into a cupboard by the entrance, he slipped out and made his way into the carriage with Lillian while looking suspiciously around her, half expecting one of them to pop up and start waxing poetry about Lockhart "where's your groupies?" Harry asked, Lillian snorted "Morag and Tracey went ahead so they didn't have to have to see you, and Millicent left last night via floo so she wouldn't miss her portkey, her family's vacationing in france.

"Did you get a invitation to the Christmas ball?" Lillian wondered "Yes, I'll be going, I do not know if Sirius will attend as well or not, he doesn't like pureblood balls or parties much, I don't think I'll be going like this though, I don't fancy having rumors going around that I'm the next rising dark lord " Harry replied "Will you tell me in advance what you'll look like?" Lillian asked hopefully "Nope, I'll just let it be a surprise " harry returned with a smirk before they parted ways, both going to their friends compartments. "I thought you were staying for the hollidays?" Harry asked once he caught sight of luna, "Daddy's travel plans fell through when the man he was supposed to meet about the blibbering humdinger mysteriously died" luna responded while harry sat next to his cub, "Mysteriously?" Anthony repeated, amused . "That's what the daily prophet says anyway, but me and daddy agree it must have been the blithering humdinger, they very much dislike captivity " luna said with a nod.

"How did your meeting with the peacock go?" Anthony asked unconsciously leaning closer to the comfort provided by harry "Amazingly, I introduced him to this lovely snake I know" Harry replied with a satisfied smirk. "I wonder who we'll have for defense after Christmas?" Luna pondered aloud "Hopefully someone who isn't a fraud" harry said "What do peacocks taste like?" Luna asked , Anthony looked interested aswell "Wild berries that have been through an animals body, don't ask me how I know " harry said with a shudder. Luna and Anthony looked at each other with mischief in their eyes before turning to harry "Who's faeces-?" "Luna! Anthony!" The two burst into laughter while harry groaned, covering his face .
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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