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He didn't bother going into the department of mysteries, he did however watch for any other useless wizards, by the time his Hogwarts letter came harry had taken care of another 4, an Auror, a ministry official and 2 Wizengamot members. He learned all sorts of fun tidbits about the workings of their government, as well as spells he never bothered learning or ones that have fallen out of popular knowledge. Over the years Harry's wardrobe was filled with mainly black clothes, with the occasional maroon or green, petunia looked at him nervously "do you have clothes for stonewalls uniform or shall I buy them?" She asked "I'm not going to Stonewall" he replied absently as he read the collage level physics book, a mundane he had dealt with a week ago had been quite knowledgeable in the subject but sadly the soul didn't transfer everything to him, He thanked Anubis profusely when he gave him an editic memory, which came in handy when he had to hunt down more of the information.

"You plan to take your A levels now and college is going to except you regardless of your age?" Petunia snapped Harry put down his book turning to look at her with an unimpressed look on his face "I'll be going to Hogwarts as you well know, I'm just waiting on my letter before shopping" he responded picking up his book ignoring how pale his aunt had gotten.

Vernon looked at his nephew who was eating silently as he wrote in his notebook, harry had a habit of writing in different languages. "Boy, you're going to stonewall, I won't be paying for you to go to some freak-" "You won't have to pay for anything" Harry said calmly as the room chilled. Petunia and Dudley fliched away "planning to threaten them into going for free? Think the freaks-"  "If you continue to refer to my people as "freaks" I will happily take your soul, your a waste of air " Harry said coldly as his power came down harder on vernon, the air around petunia and Dudley warming up slightly. "You're not needed for the spells on this house, and don't even delude yourself into thinking I hold even an inch of fondness for you , You're only alive so long as you have a use, and right now your only use is making money in order to keep this resistance" Harry stood grabbing his notebook and pen.

"This is the last time we'll be having this discussion mundanes, I am going to Hogwarts. You will drop me off September first and pick me up June 30th, the rest of the time we will have as minimal contact with each other as possible. Am I clear?" "Yes" Vernon and Petunia both whispered fearfully while dudley whimpered sliding further under the table. Harry smiled with pleasure before leaving the kitchen, taking the cold with him, He knew he would have to remind vernon once more for him to mind himself but he was sure that could wait till next summer at the earliest.

He had petunia sign his letter stating he received it and she would be showing him, when in reality harry would be going alone.
The day after his letter came, Harry stepped out onto the road and called the knight bus to take him to the leaky cauldron, sadly he had to leave his collection of stolen wands at home as he didn't wish to risk the chance of ollivander sensing them, but fortunately one could call the knight bus wandless if they paid attention as they rose their hand. The trip was just as maddening as he remembered, he waved to stan as he got off entering the leaky cauldron, once again he had tom open the passageway for him, then made his way to Ollivanders, He had enough money to get his wand before he'd have to stop at gringotts.

The bell over the door chimed as he entered the shop, his senses telling him the old man was in the shelves to his left, so harry glanced that way and waited for the man to appear. "Mr. Potter" he muttered looking at harry curiously "Yes, I thought I'd be seeing you soon" his silver eyes seemed to look through harry for a moment before widening, "Oh. Oh my" ollivander gasped taking a step back "You have mastered and mated death, and you've been given quite the gift, but to what use will you put this gift to I wonder". Harry observed the man through narrowed eyes, "I'll put it to the best use as I see it, whether the others agree with me is their opinion, but I won't sit back and watch my people be wiped out again" "you will be bathed in the blood of the innocence " ollivander warned , his eerie eyes showing something closer to amusement. "If it saves innocents from dirtying their hands, I would bathe in what ever was necessary. Tell me Ollivander have you ever seen a person's head blown up with a mundane bomb, it's really quite gruesome, and there's nothing you can do except stand there and watch" Ollivander looked away.

"You have seen many terrible things, and they have done many terrible things to you. Do you truly think you can lead this world from damnation?" He met Harry's eyes again, challenging the boy before him. He looked away at the question he asked himself over the years, "I don't know" he admitted, sounding as the child he appeared to be, but then his eyes hardened as he looked back up at the man determination shinning in his eyes "I don't know if my path is the right one, but I won't let them take the wrong one again. Perhaps they'll hate me but I've been hated before and I can deal with it again, so long as I know Hogwarts still stands and the magical world continues to exist as it always has, I will do anything ".

Ollivander smiled and inclined his head, though it seemed abit sad, "Then I wish you luck on your path, Harry Potter, Holly and Phoenix feather , eleven inches, nice and supple" he said handing harry his wand, smiling at finally having his wand back in his hand, but something felt off, he turned to Ollivander "You are death's mate now, only death's wand will be most compatible, This wand is yours however, as it always will be, and it will help you the best it can " ollivander said quietly.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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