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One thing harry hadn't thought through was the staring, while after the sorting the students had been able to get over his boy who lived status and treated him normally however after the attack, he just had to agree to, he was back to being stared at, whispered about, and pointed at, it was siriusly starting to annoy him. Only two good things came from his stunt, Sirius had been able to convince dumbledore to let him stay at the order headquarters while the cottage had goblin wards added to it and It seemed Lillian, Terry, Hermione and Neville had silently decided to put their arguments behind them and made a point of stopping the mob from getting to close to him, He'd finally be able to watch snape during meetings and see if he's useful or not still. The rest of the year flew by and before anyone knew it, it was time to go home, Viktor Krum had won the tournament, putting Cedric in second and Fleur in thrid much to the disgust and anger to the rest of beaubaxton.


The group got comfortable in their compartment, they had told Li when see came to visit as she was the only one in his immediate friend group to not know, though they decided to keep the furry little problem a secret for now. Terry figited for a few moments before sighing and clearing his throat, grabbing everyone's attention "A gay couple with a little girl moved in next door just after Christmas time, my brother's being... difficult." Terry said causing Harry's eyes to narrow "he's attacking them?" Harry asked "Verbally" Terry said quietly "one of them is really big and muscular, so he's not about to start physically attacking them but he's been really rude, mom told him to stop and when he didn't she kicked him out " Terry added as he handed over a folded paper to harry. "An address?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow "My brothers... It's different when it's being done to someone else" terry said quietly "Terry, if I go visit your brother, you won't see him again" Harry said to clarify, he wanted his pack mate to fully understand the consequences before he agreed "good" terry whispered, determination showing in his voice.

"Just make sure he suffers a bit" Hermione said after a while, "Don't worry I will" harry promised before going back to his quibbler with Anthony 'Can I go with dad? ' Anthony asked through the link 'we'll discuss it with your moms first, but why do you want to go cub? ' 'so I can learn, I want to help you, go on raids with you and uncles remus and Sirius, and I want to be able to protect my mate' 'let's talk to your moms first about going with me, we'll discuss you joining later as well, as for defending your mate, I'll teach you during the summer' harry assured his cub before closing the link. Harry smiled to himself, during the first part of term he thought he'd only have a small amount of friends left , but it's the end of the year and he's still sitting with the same group, he hadn't lost any of them after all
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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