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Harry hummed as he walked back to the dursleys house, his summer had been great so far, he'd been getting all of his mail and Sirius was going to be released the last week of July and harry had done away with four mundanes he knew took great pleasure in killing his kind during the war, he had already sucked 20 souls so far this summer and had plans to go to Knockturn alley tomorrow, he was still trying to rid the world of vampires as a gift after all, The dursleys themselves had been well behaved so far, sadly vernon hadn't had his blow up yet, harry chalked it up to not being in the house often enough. Harry was just outside the blood wards when he heard a whispered stupefy, he quickly ducked into a shadow under a tree as the spell hit a bin, his eyes darted around in hopes of spotting his attacker, but atlas no luck, who ever it was they were staying out of sight "Fuck" he muttered turning to look at the space inside the blood wards, this person waited outside of the wards which meant they couldn't get inside, the roof provide just enough shadow for harry to jump through, wincing as he fell a foot in the air, he got into a crouch surveying the area past the wards.

Noone, 'This is Seriously going to piss me off, if this is Voldemort using one of his minions to get around his oath, I'm going to hex him bloody ' Harry thought with a huff, He jump back into the shadows landing under his bed, he always kept a shadow their in case of emergencies, and if this didn't count as an emergency then he didn't know what did. He groaned as he pulled himself out from underneath the uncomfortable spot "That's more trouble then it's worth sometimes" he grumbled, grabbing a book and laying down on his bed 'Ill shadow walk to the pub tomorrow, theirs that one spot that's always shadowed, It'll be slightly troublesome but I'll just bring my cloak with me to throw them off' he'd taken great care in ensuring the pub staff didn't find anything about hi, lest they find some way to block him from their pub, the vampires never survived long enough to cause him trouble, once their souls were gone, nothing tied them here, the pub was owned by two werewolves, so he left them alone, while he didn't care about what mundane or Vampire he killed, he avoided all other magical beings unless they pissed him off in some way, the few times he been in the pub, the werewolves treated him fairly, so he had no ill will against them and it helped that the longer they were alive the longer the pub stayed open.

If nothing else, harry could keep an eye out for any wizards in the neighborhood, and if he was lucky he might catch a death eater in Knockturn to question, 'I'd enjoy a death eater snack' Harry thought with an evil grin. Harry didn't manage to catch his stalker until a week later, by that point he was annoyed, pissed and tired of the whole thing, the bastard was very well hidden, and without magic harry had to use his senses to figure out where he was. When harry finally saw the hunched figure, he shadowed behind him, grabbed him by his cloak and roughly slammed him against the tree he was hiding under "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip out your fucking heart" harry hissed , the air chilling in his anger, slightly crazed eyes look back at him, the face being one harry saw only once before but couldn't forget. "Barty Crouch Jr." Harry muttered, his grip loosening in surprise, barty ducked out of the way, and brought his wand up ready to cast but harry had disappeared before he could utter a word "where are you Little potter?" Barty hissed eyes darting around.

"How did you get out from under your father's grasp?" Harry asked from a branch above his head, when barty pointed his wand at him harry shadowed to a branch on the opposite side of the tree "Oh wait, let me guess, Voldemort regains a body, your mark darkens giving you the strength needed to throw off your father's imperius" harry shadowed again once barty spotted him. "You're well informed for a brat" barty hissed eyes narrowing "and your pretty good for a dead man" harry retorted from behind barty, as barty turned harry snatched his wand away holding it between his two hands like he was going to break it. "I like you, potter" barty decided with a smile holding his hands up in surrender, Harry's lip twitched into a smirk but didn't change his hold on the other's wand "Why are you trying to stupefy me?" He asked, "My lord wants to talk to you" Barty responded "You don't stupefy people you want to talk to, he wants you to grab me why?" Harry asked "You're not a normal 12 year old, are you?" Barty observed "11, answer my question " Harry demanded "That jumping from shadow to shadow, that's a vampiric gif-" barty stopped looking wide eyed as an audible snap rang through the air.

Barty froze as harry calmly slid the broken wand pieces into his pocket before crossing his arms "you're getting boring barty" Harry said unimpressed, the death eater cleared his throat "I don't know all the details, but he wanted you to go missing, something about presumed dead" Barty said nervously. "Assumed dead? What good would that - Oh" harry lips curved into a smile, after all if he was presumed dead, they would take him off the Hogwarts registry, making the vow null and void, honestly the nerve of that man, "That's such an angry dark lord thing to do, is he currently based at Malfoy Manor or the Muggle house in Little hangleton?"
Until the next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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