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"I thought Sirius would be attending the match as well" barty commented as they started walking up the stairs "uncle siri, doesn't care for Ireland and he hates the Bulgarian team, says it reminds him of the worst of the slytherins" Anthony replied as he moved next to an aged up Harry. Barty was glamoured to look like a twenty year old with Black hair with green streaks and blue eyes, harry had aged himself up and changed his hair to a natural red, while anthony looked like this form of Harry's son, The death eater met his lord's son the night before and it only added to the confusing, headache-inducing puzzle that was his lord. The trio happily took their seats, while not in the announcers box or the Ministers box, they were still high up, which meant lots of stairs, even harry who was essentially immortal and didn't need to breath felt slightly winded. Harry waved down a worker selling chocolate and butter beer and bought 2 chocolate frogs and a butterbeer for each of them, harry mentally applauded Anthony for staying in his seat unbothered when Bulgaria's mascots, the veela came on to the Field, though both of them found it hilarious when they had to glue barty to his chair, so he didn't go over the ledge in his hast to make it to the field.

When krum caught the snitch, barty shook his head in exasperation, Anthony smiled like a loon and Harry was grinning a cat that caught a canary, Harry walked over to the place to collect bets and returned 100 galleons richer. "The portkey won't be ready until tomorrow, let's get back to the tent" Harry said before leading the way back to the tent Sirius had bought for them. "I don't know why you bothered, last I checked the potters have more than enough gold for a lifetime" Barty commented, " Dad's waging a war, it helps to have extra money " Anthony stated in a " duh" tone getting an eye roll from barty and an amused smirk from harry. "I'm starting dinner" harry announced as he entered the kitchen "sandwiches are fine!" Barty exclaimed as he followed into the kitchen "you and Sirius give men a bad name, I've never met a person who can't even cook with magic" Harry replied with an eye roll.

" What are you planning to do for the rest of the summer? " barty asked as they ate their food " Voldemort and I have a few places-" " no, not what my lord Asmodeus is going to do, what is harry Potter going to do " Barty said, " I'm taking Anthony to the ocean for a couple of weeks, and maybe work on my garden a bit more" Harry responded before they fell into a peaceful silence.

"I heard from some of the older students whose parents work in the ministry have been going a bit mad at work, it's not the Quidditch cup, apparently it has something to do eith Hogwarts" terry said once they were seated in the compartment causing everyone to look at him as he looked hopefully at luna "I don't suppose you know anything luna? With your dad being a reporter and all?" He asked the blonde hopefully. "The ministry? Why would we care about them when someone's finally captured a picture of a crumple-" Harry cleared his throat at the irritated look hermione shot luna, he really didn't feel like hearing that rant again "The Triwizard Tournament" he said causing everyone bar Anthony and luna to stare at him blankly for a few minutes. "Why are you bringing up an obsolete tournament?" Li asked " it's no longer obsolete " harry muttered " what's the Triwizard Tournament? " Hermione asked with a frown, she hated not knowing things but being friends with ravenclaws, 3 of which were magical raised and one that pretended to be, it occurred alot and she learned that if she asked, one of them would happily explain it.

"It was a tournament that was started around 7 hundred years ago, between Hogwarts, Beaubaxton and Drumstrang to promote school relations and a " friendly" competition to see which school taught their students the best. Alot of people died in it though, eventually they discontinued the tournament around 200 years ago" Neville explained "Beaubaxton and Drumstrang?" Terry asked, " Europe's other magical schools, beaubaxton is in france and admits mostly from Western Europe, their known for taking in part creatures, teaching both light and dark magic and etiquette classes until 6th year, drumstrang's location is unknown, however many believe it to be somewhere in bulgaria or Russia, they mainly admit students from eastern europe with they occasional Russian, their known for their hatred of mundaneborns and their usage of dark arts" harry explained.

" You still haven't explained, why you brought it up " li commented, " technically terry brought it up when he asked why the ministry was in choas, I only answered " Harry replied, " the ministry wouldn't bring back the Triwizard Tournament, too many people died" Neville stated with a shake of his head " their stupid enough to try" terry muttered " I certainly hope the ministry knows better than to allow a deadly tournament, it's bad enough they allow quidditch " Hermione stated. Harry sensing the in coming argument with terry that reminded him too much of the same argument happening between ron and Hermione, gently nudged Anthony and Luna and made his way to Lillian's compartment.

"Oh merlin" Morag groaned as harry entered the compartment "Oh morag, I missed your compliments dearly, I don't know how I survived" Harry cried as he got onto his knees infront of the ravenclaw. "Come on harry, not everyone has your sense of humor" Lillian said as she gently dragged her friend into the seat next to her, "more the pity, I thought I'd come see my best friend while terry and hermione argued over quidditch" he stated. "Speaking of quidditch, I thought I would see you at the world cup" Lillian said, "I was, however me and my guest didn't want to be seen, so we went in disguise" Harry replied " you wouldn't know him, he's a but older, he's staying at the Malfoys currently " harry added before millicent could question.

Lillian choked on her drink " no I didn't take the dark lord, he hates quidditch, I took Barty Crouch Jr instead " he said, answering his friends unasked question and enjoying the looks that statement caused on the ravenclaw and slytherins, he knew they wouldn't tell anyone but hint at it to their fellow snakes, he couldn't wait for when they connected asmodeus to voldemort as he knew lillian rembered him using that name. "How do you know the dark lord hates quidditch?" Morag demanded " he mentioned it when I brought up the world cup so I asked barty instead since I knew he liked quidditch " harry replied " you don't honestly believe him Lillian, do you? " tracey asked " you know I told you about meeting him at the yule ball" Lillian said uncomfortably " yeah, but you also said he looked human" Morag said with a scoff. " Well the dark lord wasn't born a human-snake hybrid, I could just see his mum's looks now, she wasn't much of a looker-" " Now I know your full of shit" tracey decided.

" Yeah Mudblood shit, your mum was one after all" morag said with a smirk, harry was no longer amused " leave my mother out of this McDougal" harry said with narrowed eyes " what are you going to do if I don't potter? Cry on her grave" Morag taunted, " ardenti sanguine" harry cast, the burning curse, the predissesor of the cruicatus curse. Morag gasped in pain as harry leaned forward his eyes glowing avada Kedavera green "Let me make myself clear McDougal, Leave. My. Mom. Alone" he demanded, morag nodded her head rapidly in understanding, whimpers escaped as the burning reached her wrists and anckles " I didn't hear you McDougal " harry said with a cruel smile before Lillian gently placed her hand on his shoulder "Harry stop please" she whispered causing him to purse his lips before ending the curse and heading for the door "I'm sorry Potter, I won't mention your Mum again" morag whispered "see that you don't" he said before leaving.

Morag would never know, harry came close to sucking her soul or using the Cruciatious curse in response to her jab, few things made him upset, bad mouthing his mother was one of them, he'd always been fond of his mother and loved that he carried part of her in his Eyes and Temperament, seeing her say goodbye and watching her sacrifice herself for him only added to that feeling.
Until the next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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