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The trolley lady had already passed and harry was utterly sick of hearing about Lockhart, even terry seemed interested in the Fake, through the pack bond he could feel his Cub's annoyance aswell and Neville had retreated to his plant, having a one way conversation with it. Harry felt like he and Anthony were the only sane ones, and in Harry's case that was wrong on so many levels, "We're visiting Lilian!" He shouted out over the singing praise of Lockhart before he grabbed Anthony's hand and practically apparated out of the compartment "Oh dear merlin, save me" Anthony muttered, his heightened hearing allowed him to hear the other girls praising Lockhart near by, "I don't think I'll be able to take a minute more of this, let alone a year" harry groaned as they reached the girls compartment "Hello Harry, Anthony " Lillian greeted as harry opened the door "Go away " Morag ordered, harry grunted as he plopped down onto the seat much to the girl's amusement while Anthony sat at Harry's feet.

"Not a word about Lockhart, please" Harry muttered "why not, I think it's wonderful we hav-" Millicent didn't get to finish before Anthony stood up quickly and dragged his alpha out of the compartment, leaving the girls staring at the door. "Sanity sweet sanity why have you abandoned me?" Harry groaned " there has to be someone on this train that's not nutty" Anthony complained stearing clear of any compartment with even a mention of Lockhart, the duo talked with any of their Male friends they met along the way, talking about the Lockhart madness that seemed to take over the female and some of the male population. Finally after almost walking the length of the entire train they come across a compartment, with the one person harry hasn't talked to yet in this life "Hello there" harry greeted as they both stuck their heads in a blonde girl with silver eyes looked up from the quibbler in her hands "Hello, were you both just going to stand there and stare at me?" Luna Lovegood asked.

"Um, maybe, your not nutters about Lockhart are you?" Harry asked "should I be?" Luna asked curiously "We'd rather you not be, honestly" Anthony said "Then I'm not" Luna decided before returning to her magazine, the boys smiled at each other before both sat down on the other bench, harry pulled out a mundane psychology book, which had become a recent intrest of his while Anthony pulled out a book on werewolf culture, harry spelled to look like a potion's book. The compartment was filled with a peaceful silence for the next few hours before luna put down her magazine down, considering the boys "Yes?" Harry asked after being stared at for a few minutes "You're quite different than I expected, but I suppose someone who's died would be a bit strange" luna offered Harry jerked up in his seat, book layed forgotten, Anthony turned and looked at his Alpha with a dropped jaw "what did you just say?" Harry asked "you have death's mark, being his mate must change a person" luna offered, Anthony's eyes nearly buldged out of his head, afterall his luna was Harry's mate "One of these days, I'm going to figure out how you and Ollivander can figure this stuff out" harry gripped.

"You met your mate, why didn't you stay with him? Luna asked tilting her head to the side, harry considered the two occupants of the compartment for a moment before sitting back with a sigh "there was a horrible future, there were things I had to do, people I had to save" harry responded. "Everyone dies eventually " luna replied, there was no disapproving looks from either, there was only curiousity "very true, and I have no intention of keeping my friends alive forever but I do want to change their ending, change it from the horrible future it currently is" harry responded "was this the secret you were going to tell me?" Anthony asked "Yes cub" harry responded with a smile "I think I'd like to hear more about your future next year" Anthony said making harry laugh out loud, out of all of his friends his cub and luna understood, "this doesn't change anything, I still think your an amazing alpha" Anthony stated, knowing through their bond that luna was someone his alpha trusted immensely and she probably already knew what he was anyway.
Until next time my pups

• mischief managed •

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