The Soronox Union soldiers swiftly formed defensive lines, their weapons ready and their resolve firm. They provided covering fire, targeting the trolls to weaken their advance while simultaneously protecting their comrades charging into the fray.

Anthony, leading the charge alongside the Orcs, Cyclops, and other marines, wielded his M27 with precision, picking off Codsworth soldiers and trolls alike with expert marksmanship.

As the battle raged on, the combined might of the UNE, Soronox Union, and allied forces proved formidable. The trolls, though formidable adversaries, were gradually pushed back under the relentless onslaught of bayonets, gunfire, and melee combat.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, a sense of unity and determination permeated the air. Marines, demi-humans, and soldiers from different nations fought side by side, their differences set aside in pursuit of a common goal: freedom from oppression.

The battle raged on, but with each passing moment, victory seemed within reach. Together, they fought with unwavering resolve, determined to overcome any obstacle in their path and secure a brighter future for all.

The clash of steel and the thunder of gunfire echoed through the battlefield as the combined forces of the UNE, Soronox Union, and their allies waged war against the tyranny of the Codsworth soldiers and their monstrous troll allies.

Keith's voice rang out above the din of battle, urging his troops to stand firm and hold their ground against the relentless onslaught. "Steady! Maintain formation! We will not yield to these beasts!"

Mary, her determination unwavering, led her squad with precision and skill, coordinating their efforts to provide crucial support to their comrades-in-arms. "Keep firing! We cannot let up now!"

The Soronox Union soldiers, their resolve bolstered by their unity and camaraderie, fought with unwavering courage, pushing back against the tide of enemies with unwavering determination.

Meanwhile, Anthony, ever the stalwart leader, continued to lead the charge, his presence inspiring those around him to fight with renewed vigor. "Press forward! We must break their lines and drive them back!"

As the battle raged on, the combined might of the allied forces began to turn the tide in their favor. With each passing moment, the Codsworth soldiers and their monstrous allies were pushed back, their ranks faltering under the relentless assault of bayonets, bullets, and sheer determination.

In the end, victory belonged to those who dared to stand against oppression, united in their quest for freedom and justice. And as the dust settled on the battlefield, the heroes of the UNE, Soronox Union, and their allies stood triumphant, their spirits unbroken and their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

As they were about to head out ahead, some marines provided aid or gave some of their rations to the starving Demi-human and human slaves.

Keith and Mary also noticed Anthony giving chocolate to kids with a smile. And chocolate was very rare and expensive in the Soronox Union and troops don't carry them.

And here, the marines from the UNE are giving them away like it didn't matter.

Anthony even laughed and explained to the kids that pointed out his left eye, which was once dark brown, is now pale white with a scar across it, but he can still see from it.

Even the FEKs and Kitsune were a bit amazed at the amount of chocolate or other sweets the marines were giving to kids.

It was a stark contrast to the harsh realities of their own world, where such luxuries were rare and cherished.

In that fleeting moment, amidst the chaos of war, the bonds of humanity were strengthened, bridging the divide between different races and cultures. And as they prepared to continue their journey, the memory of that simple act of kindness would serve as a beacon of hope, reminding them of the goodness that still existed in the world.

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